Smart Contract Framework ๐
Core Token framework is development center for Ethereum and Core Coin Smart Contracts.
With functionality of:
- development
- testing
- security audits
- structure graphs (dot and image files)
- deployment process
Start with fork this repository and create your own Smart Contract based on Core Token functionality.
Optionally you can install tool with
npm install coretoken/framework#master --save
yarn add
bower install --save
To create audits and graphs is necessary install following:
pip3 install mythril
More informations how to install in your environment.
pip3 install slither-analyzer
More informations about Slither - Solidity source analyser.
brew install graphviz
More informations and download Graphviz.
We built tool, which will generate documentation for your project.
You can run it with:
npm run docs
Fork this repository and send us pull request or write issue to help us improve the code.
Thank you.
Code released under the MIT license.