👨🏽💻 I am currently a Data Architect at Goodyear where I improve our analytics environment and broaden our use of cloud-based technologies..
🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- automating continuous integration & deployments with GitHub Actions.
- building web apps with Streamlit to reduce the mundane and increase user experience.
- developing data-centric NextJS applications with automatic data fetching and revalidation.
- improving the lifecycle, observability & fault tolerance of data pipelines using Prefect.
🌱 I’m currently learning ...
- how to build robust machine learning pipelines with Kedro.
- the fundamentals of data-driven web apps using Next.js, SWR, and server-side rendering.
- about multiple concepts in Deep Learning (from Deep Learning: A Visual Approach)
- several ML modeling techniques and their roles in descriptive and predictive analytics.