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CODAP Plugin Starter Project

This is a bare-bones React project. It contains a simple React view with the libraries for using the CODAP Plugin API.

Copying from the starter project

Create a new repository

There are two ways to create a new repository from this template:

Method 1: Using GitHub Template Button

  1. Go to this repository's GitHub page
  2. Click the green "Use this template" button at the top
  3. Select "Create a new repository"
  4. Set your repository name (e.g. new-repository)
  5. Choose visibility (public/private)
  6. Click "Create repository from template"
  7. Clone your new repository:
    git clone
    cd new-repository

Method 2: Using Command Line

  1. Create a new public repository for your project (e.g. new-repository)
  2. Create a clone of the starter repo
    git clone --single-branch new-repository
    cd new-repository
  3. Next, re-initialize the repo to create a new history
    rm -rf .git
    git init
  4. Add a remote to your GitHub repository
    git remote add origin

Initialize new repository

  1. Run npm install to install dependencies

  2. Optionally Run: npm update to update the dependencies. If you can, it is best to do this in the codap-plugin-starter-project first before making your new repository.

  3. Run npm start to start the webpack-dev-server in development mode with hot module replacement

  4. Open localhost:8080 (or use port 8081 if you are already using 8080). You should see a basic plugin with a heading of "CODAP Starter Plugin".

    It's ok if you see an error like handleResponse: CODAP request timed out: [{"action":"update","resource":"interactiveFrame","values":{"name":"Sample Plugin","version":"0.0.1","dimensions":{"width":380,"height":680}}},{"action":"get","resource":"interactiveFrame"}]. This just means that the plugin is running outside of Codap, so is not receiving responses to API requests, which is expected.

  5. Run npm test to verify that the test suite still passes.

  6. Run npx playwright install to install the playwright browsers

  7. Run npm run test:playwright to verify the playwright tests still pass. The Playwright tests verify that the plugin works correctly inside CODAP.

  8. Search and replace instances of codap-plugin-starter-project with new-repository.

  9. Search and replace instances of CODAP Starter Plugin and CODAP Plugin Starter Project with New Plugin.

  10. Update the general description of the project in the first section above.

  11. Setup AWS keys for S3 Deployment. This is so the GitHub actions can deploy to S3 and save the Playwright results.

  12. Configure the Codecov token.

    1. Find the new repository at
    2. Choose the repository token option
    3. Add the token to the GitHub repository as described on the codecov page.
  13. Remove this Copying from the starter project section of the README, but keep track of the next step.

  14. Create an initial commit for your new project and push it.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin master

Your new repository is ready!


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository and cd into the new folder.

  2. Install the dependencies npm install.

  3. Run the development server npm start.

  4. Open localhost:8080 (or use port 8081 if you are already using 8080). You should see a basic plugin with a heading of "CODAP Starter Plugin".

    It's ok if you see an error like handleResponse: CODAP request timed out: [{"action":"update","resource":"interactiveFrame","values":{"name":"Sample Plugin","version":"0.0.1","dimensions":{"width":380,"height":680}}},{"action":"get","resource":"interactiveFrame"}]. This just means that the plugin is running outside of Codap, so is not receiving responses to API requests, which is expected.


Jest Tests

The project uses Jest for unit testing. To run the tests:

npm test

Playwright Tests

The project uses Playwright for end-to-end testing. These tests verify that the plugin works correctly inside CODAP. Playwright has lots of features including a VSCode plugin. Below are some basic steps to get started.

Before running tests for the first time you need to install the Playwright browsers:

npx playwright install

After this you can run the tests without showing a browser or run them with a visible browser.

Run without a visible browser

npm run test:playwright

If you want to view a test report of these tests you can run:

npx playwright show-report

Run showing the browser

npm run test:playwright:open

Testing in CODAP

There are two ways to test the plugin in CODAP:

  • running it locally on https and use the deployed CODAP
  • running it and CODAP locally on http


  1. Start the plugin with npm run start:secure. You need to first setup a local http certificate if you haven't done so:
  2. Run CODAP v2 or v3 with the di parameter:


  1. Start plugin webserver npm start (it will be on 8080 by default)
  2. Setup a local webserver running CODAP.
  3. Open CODAP with the plugin embedded in it: http://localhost:8081/static/dg/en/cert/index.html?di=http://localhost:8080

For further information on CODAP Data Interactive Plugin API.


React-based barebones CODAP plugin written in Typescript







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