A custom storyteller-based system, heavy development stage.
Creatures can be defined like this:
(defcharacter Name race
(stats (2 1 1 3 7 2 2 2 2))
(size 2)
(skills (:acrobatics 5 :running 5))
(feat-list ())
(inventory ()))
Stats go in order strength, agility, constituion, charisma, perception, intuition, will, logic, reaction. Skills do not have to be mentioned, if they are 0. Defines a new creature, adds it to the creatures hash-table and adds %definition to the log file to avoid cyclic log inputs.
Actions are defined like this:
(make-action run Lex :modifier 2 :body (6 strength running 5))
Creature should exist, otherwise error.. If :body is provided, it redefines (or defines new) action. Body has a form of (dice stat skill check against this) Then action is defined (as a function) and added to the log. Then it gets executed (with a provided modifier -- 0 by default)