This project provides a set of Ethereum nodes with an application load balancer in front of them for scaling requests.
Application Load balancer forwards requests to three Ethereum nodes.
Install the awscli and define an AWS profile pointing to an AWS IAM role/user (administrator permissions).
Define InfluxDB (used to collect metrics) password in AWS secret manager by running the below code:
aws secretsmanager create-secret --region eu-west-1 \ --name "influx/password" \ --description "Influxdb password for user 'admin'." \ --secret-string "YOUR_PASSWORD"
Create an S3 bucket on your account to host the terraform state. Modify the file to point to your bucket.
Customize the variables in the terraform.tfvars file. The default variables will probably not be available.
Customize the IP address ranges if required.
chain_data_backup_bucket = "eth-infra-nodes-backup"
infra_logs_bucket = "eth-infra-nodes-logs"
eth_static_data_bucket = "eth-infra-static-data"
chain_data_volume_size = 1000
geth_public_key = "geth_public_key_linux_9BA28146.key"
eth_node_instance_type = "t3.2xlarge"
nodes_number = 3
private_subnets_cidr = ["", "", ""]
public_subnets_cidr = ["", "", ""]
vpc_cidr = ""