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HTML language support for the CodeMirror code editor


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@codemirror/lang-html NPM version


This package implements HTML language support for the CodeMirror code editor.

The project page has more information, a number of examples and the documentation.

This code is released under an MIT license.

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import {EditorView, basicSetup} from "codemirror"
import {html} from "@codemirror/lang-html"

const view = new EditorView({
  parent: document.body,
  doc: `<!doctype html>\n<title>HTML</title>`,
  extensions: [basicSetup, html()]

API Reference

html(config⁠?: Object = {}) → LanguageSupport

Language support for HTML, including htmlCompletion and JavaScript and CSS support extensions.

matchClosingTags⁠?: boolean

By default, the syntax tree will highlight mismatched closing tags. Set this to false to turn that off (for example when you expect to only be parsing a fragment of HTML text, not a full document).

selfClosingTags⁠?: boolean

By default, the parser does not allow arbitrary self-closing tags. Set this to true to turn on support for /> self-closing tag syntax.

autoCloseTags⁠?: boolean

Determines whether autoCloseTags is included in the support extensions. Defaults to true.

extraTags⁠?: Record<string, TagSpec>

Add additional tags that can be completed.

extraGlobalAttributes⁠?: Record<string, readonly string[] | null>

Add additional completable attributes to all tags.

nestedLanguages⁠?: {tag: string, attrs⁠?: fn(attrsObject<string>) → boolean, parser: Parser}[]

Register additional languages to parse the content of specific tags. If given, attrs should be a function that, given an object representing the tag's attributes, returns true if this language applies.

nestedAttributes⁠?: {name: string, tagName⁠?: string, parser: Parser}[]

Register additional languages to parse attribute values with.

htmlLanguage: LRLanguage

A language provider based on the Lezer HTML parser, extended with the JavaScript and CSS parsers to parse the content of <script> and <style> tags.

htmlCompletionSource(contextCompletionContext) → CompletionResult | null

HTML tag completion. Opens and closes tags and attributes in a context-aware way.

interface TagSpec

Type used to specify tags to complete.

attrs⁠?: Record<string, readonly string[] | null>

Define tag-specific attributes. Property names are attribute names, and property values can be null to indicate free-form attributes, or a list of strings for suggested attribute values.

globalAttrs⁠?: boolean

When set to false, don't complete global attributes on this tag.

children⁠?: readonly string[]

Can be used to specify a list of child tags that are valid inside this tag. The default is to allow any tag.

htmlCompletionSourceWith(configObject) → fn(contextCompletionContext) → CompletionResult | null

Create a completion source for HTML extended with additional tags or attributes.

extraTags⁠?: Record<string, TagSpec>

Define extra tag names to complete.

extraGlobalAttributes⁠?: Record<string, readonly string[] | null>

Add global attributes that are available on all tags.

autoCloseTags: Extension

Extension that will automatically insert close tags when a > or / is typed.


HTML language support for the CodeMirror code editor







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