This is the LeetCode Tracker application. It is used to track leetcode 30 days Javascript Questions. It uses Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to store and manage user data and web Scraped LeetCode JavaScript questions from discussion form.
- Enter this url :
in Chrome Browser and Enable theDEVELOPER MODE
- Go to
Load unpacked
- Go to location where you have cloned the repository and then select the folder named
- The
folder will be loaded and you will see Extension namedTrack Leetcode
Now, Pin the extension and enjoy easy access to leetcode questions.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd track-leetcode
npm install
- Setup Environment variable in .env and put file in track-leetcode/backend
MONGODB_URI: Your MongoDB connection string.
PORT: The port on which the server will listen.
CORS_PROXY: The URL of a CORS proxy to bypass CORS restrictions.
JSON_URL: The URL of the remote JSON file containing JavaScript questions.
- Start the server:
npm start
After starting the server, you can access the API at http://localhost:3000.
POST /username: Submit a LeetCode username to fetch user information, store accepted questions, and get the count of accepted JavaScript questions.
GET /jsquestions: Fetch the list of JavaScript questions from a remote JSON file.
The following environment variables should be set in your .env file:
MONGODB_URI: Your MongoDB connection string.
PORT: The port on which the server will listen.
CORS_PROXY: The URL of a CORS proxy to bypass CORS restrictions.
JSON_URL: The URL of the remote JSON file containing JavaScript questions.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.