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Leaderboard Functionality

Adrien Pavão edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 16 revisions

For specific information on leaderboard and column fields, see the explanations in the yaml structure.

Writing scores

A leaderboard and column are written to via their keys. so a leaderboard declaration like so:

  - title: Results
    key: main
    submission_rule: "Force_Last"
      - title: Accuracy Score 1
        key: accuracy_1
        index: 0
        sorting: desc
      - title: Accuracy Score 2
        key: accuracy_2
        index: 1
        sorting: desc
      - title: Max Accuracy
        key: max_accuracy
        index: 2
        sorting: desc
        computation: max
          - 0
          - 1
      - title: Duration
        key: duration
        index: 3
        sorting: asc

would be written to via the scoring program by outputting the following data into the scores.json file

{"accuracy_1": 0.5, "accuracy_2": 0.75, "duration": 123.45}

this would produce a leaderboard result like so:

| Accuracy Score 1 | Accuracy Score 2 | Max Accuracy | Duration |
|              0.5 |             0.75 |         0.75 |   123.45 |


Scores should not be written to computation columns, instead they will be calculated by the platform at the time scores are read from scores.json.

Computation options are:

  • sum
  • avg
  • min
  • max

and these are applied across the columns specified as computation_indexes.

So in the example above, the computation option specified is max and the indexes are 0 and 1, meaning we will take the max score of columns at index 0 and 1 (ie: .5 and .75) so .75 is returned in the computation.

Primary columns

Ranking is determined first by the primary column of the leaderboard. In the yaml, this is the column at index 0. This option can be changed in the competition editor. After sorting scores by the primary column (asc or desc as specified on the column) sorting then continues from left to right. Final sorting is done by the submitted_at timestamp, so that if submissions have identical scores (as in the case of baselines), the earlier submissions will be ranked higher. Example (with Max Accuracy set as the primary column):

| Rank | Accuracy Score 1 | Accuracy Score 2 | Max Accuracy | Duration |
|   1  |              0.5 |             0.75 |         0.75 |   123.45 |
|   2  |             0.43 |             0.75 |         0.75 |   123.45 |
|   3  |              0.6 |              0.6 |          0.6 |      100 |  # submitted at Jan 1, 2020
|   4  |              0.6 |              0.6 |          0.6 |      100 |  # submitted at Jan 2, 2020

So we sort the submissions by the primary column, (Max Accuracy) and then by columns from left to right, so accuracy 1, then accuracy 2, then duration, then by submission_at.

Submission rules

The submission rule set the behavior of the leaderboard regarding new submissions. Submissions can be forced to the leaderboard or manually selected, can be unique or multiple on the leaderboard, etc.

  • Add: Only allow adding one submission
  • Add And Delete: Allow users to add a single submission and remove that submission
  • Add And Delete Multiple: Allow users to add a multiple submissions and remove those submission
  • Force Last: Force only the last submission
  • Force Lastest Multiple: Force latest submission to be added to leaderboard (multiple)
  • Force Best: Force only the best submission to the leaderboard

Here are the corresponding values for the YAML field submission_rule: "Add", "Add_And_Delete", "Add_And_Delete_Multiple", "Force_Last", "Force_Latest_Multiple" or "Force_Best".

Hidden Leaderboard

If a leaderboard is marked as hidden, it will not be visible to participants in the competition. It will only be visible to platform administrators, competition administrators, and competition collaborators.

Downloading Leaderboard Data

If an administrators, competition administrators, and competition collaborators would like to download the current leaderboard data, they will have access to a button labeled "CSV" on the leaderboard page. This is send a ZIP file back. Each CSV file inside will be titled with the name of the leaderboard. The first row of the CSV is the title for each column followed by all the submissions on the leaderboard. This can be access directly through the api by sending a GET request to [HOSTNAME]/api/competitions/'ID'/get_csv where 'ID' is the competition ID.

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