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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Something isn't working
category: accessibility
category: accessibility
The issue/PR is related to accessibility.
category: backend
category: backend
The issue/PR is related to the backend (i.e. WordPress Dashboard).
category: compatibility
category: compatibility
The issue/PR is related to compatibility.
category: dependencies
category: dependencies
The issue/PR is related to dependencies.
category: i18n
category: i18n
The issue/PR is related to internationalization.
category: performance
category: performance
The issue/PR is related to performance.
category: refactor
category: refactor
The issue/PR is related to refactoring.
category: won't fix
category: won't fix
The issue won’t be fixed.
focus: accessibility
focus: accessibility
This issue/PR is specifically focused to accessibility.
focus: action scheduler
focus: action scheduler
Issues related to action scheduler.
focus: cart API
focus: cart API
Issues related to the cart API.
focus: data-store
focus: data-store
Issues related to custom tables.
focus: frontend
focus: frontend
Issues related to the frontend-not the REST API.
focus: html/css
focus: html/css
Issues related to HTML/CSS.
focus: notices
focus: notices
Issues related to notices.
focus: performance
focus: performance
This issue/PR is related to performance.
focus: products API
focus: products API
This issue/PR is related to the products API.
focus: session API
focus: session API
This issue/PR is related to the sessions API.
focus: settings
focus: settings
This issue/PR is related to settings.
focus: shared API
focus: shared API
Issues related to all CoCart API overall.
focus: system status report
focus: system status report
Issues related to system status report.
focus: woocommerce
focus: woocommerce
Issues related to the core of WooCommerce that affect CoCart.
good first issue
good first issue
The issue is a good candidate for the first community contribution/for a newcomer to the team.
This doesn't seem right
needs: author feedback
needs: author feedback
The issue/PR needs a response from any of the parties involved in the issue.
needs: cleanup
needs: cleanup
The issue/PR is related to needing a code cleanup.
needs: developer feedback
needs: developer feedback
Issues that need feedback from one of the CoCart Core developers.
needs: discussion
needs: discussion
Issue that either needs discussion or pending decision (not for support requests).
needs: documentation
needs: documentation
The issue/PR requires documentation to be added.