This is a breakout that attaches to the LCD Adapter board with a 34 pin ribbon cable and IDC connectors.
- 2 I2C headers
- 6 SPI headers
- 16 pin GPIO header
- 16 pin analog header
- 12 bit 8 channel ADC (MAX11629)
- 12 bit 2 channel DAC (MAX5702)
- Buffered voltage reference output (2.048V & 2.5V)
- External reference voltage input (1.24V - 3.3V)
- Filtered analog power supply.
The original design files for this board were created in KiCAD.
There are PDF copies of the schematic, PCB layout, and bill of materials in the "pdf" directory.
The "gerber" directory contains all of the files needed to have some boards made.
The device tree overlay and example python program are in the "source" directory.
This project is open source hardware.
The hardware design files are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.