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Cloud Posse

copyright-header Build Status Latest Release Slack Community

Copyright Header is a utility to manipulate licenses on source code.


  • Add/remove a copyright headers recursively on source files
  • Customize the syntax configuration for how to write out comments
  • Built-in support for GPL3 and MIT licenses
  • Supports custom licenes with --license-file argument
  • ERB template support


  • Will only remove headers to files that have exactly the same header as the one we added
  • Will only add headers to files which do not contain the case-sensitive pattern /[Cc]opyright|[Lc]icense/ in the first N lines
  • Will not properly format arguments that contain new-line ("\n") characters.


  • Ruby 1.9.2 (supported version, might work with older rubies but not guaranteed)


Install Copyright Header from RubyForge:

gem install copyright-header

This project is part of our comprehensive "SweetOps" approach towards DevOps.

It's 100% Open Source and licensed under the GNU General Public License.


Full list of supported arguments:

Usage: copyright-header options [file]
    -n, --dry-run                    Output the parsed files to STDOUT
    -o, --output-dir DIR             Use DIR as output directory
        --license-file FILE          Use FILE as header (instead of using --license argument)
                                     Use LICENSE as header
        --copyright-software NAME    The common name for this piece of software (e.g. "Copyright Header")
        --copyright-software-description DESC
                                     The detailed description for this piece of software (e.g. "A utility to manipulate copyright headers on source code files")
        --copyright-holder NAME      The legal owner of the copyright for the software. (e.g. "Erik Osterman <[email protected]>"). Repeat argument for multiple names.
        --copyright-year YEAR        The years for which the copyright exists (e.g. "2012-2017"). Repeat argument for multiple years.
    -w, --word-wrap LEN              Maximum number of characters per line for license (default: 80)
    -a, --add-path PATH              Recursively insert header in all files found in path (allows multiple paths separated by platform path-separator ":")
    -r, --remove-path PATH           Recursively remove header in all files found in path (allows multiple paths separated by platform path-separator ":")
    -g, --guess-extension            Use the GitHub Linguist gem to guess the extension of the source code when no extension can be determined (experimental).
    -c, --syntax FILE                Syntax configuration file
    -V, --version                    Display version information
    -h, --help                       Display this screen


Discover available parameters by passing the --help argument

copyright-header --help

Add a GPL3 License header to a file:

copyright-header --add-path /tmp/test.rb \
                 --license GPL3 \
                 --copyright-holder 'Joe Shmoe' \
                 --copyright-software 'Example Software' \
                 --copyright-software-description "This is the description of the software." \
                 --copyright-year 2012-2017 \
                 --output-dir /tmp \

Remove the header created in the previous step (without --dry-run argument):

copyright-header --remove-path /tmp/test.rb \
                 --license GPL3 \
                 --copyright-holder 'Joe Shmoe' \
                 --copyright-software 'Example Software' \
                 --copyright-software-description 'This is the description of the software.' \
                 --copyright-year 2012-2017 \
                 --output-dir /tmp \

Command used to generate copyright headers for this script:

copyright-header  --license GPL3  \
                  --add-path lib/:bin/ \
                  --guess-extension \
                  --copyright-holder 'Erik Osterman <[email protected]>' \
                  --copyright-software 'Copyright Header' \
                  --copyright-software-description "A utility to manipulate copyright headers on source code files" \
                  --copyright-year 2012-2017 \
                  --word-wrap 100 \
                  --output-dir ./

Paths can be either files or directories. It will recursively traverse the directory tree ignoring all dot files.

You can specify an alternative syntax configuration file using the --syntax argument.


The above example can be performed as rake task inside a Rakefile:

task :headers do
  require 'rubygems'
  require 'copyright_header'

  args = {
    :license => 'GPL3',
    :copyright_software => 'Copyright Header',
    :copyright_software_description => "A utility to manipulate copyright headers on source code files",
    :copyright_holders => ['Erik Osterman <[email protected]>'],
    :copyright_years => ['2012-2017'],
    :add_path => 'lib',
    :output_dir => '.'

  command_line = args )


docker run --rm --volume `pwd`:/usr/src/ osterman/copyright-header:latest \
  --license GPL3 \
  --add-path . \
  --guess-extension \
  --copyright-holder 'Erik Osteman <[email protected]>' \
  --copyright-software 'Copyright Header' \
  --copyright-software-description 'A utility to manipulate copyright headers on source code files' \
  --copyright-year 2012-2017 \
  --word-wrap 100 \
  --output-dir /usr/src/


Here is how we typically use it in our Makefile.

Check out the Cloud Posse build-harness for other neat tricks.


Got a question?

File a GitHub issue, send us an email or join our Slack Community.

Commerical Support

Work directly with our team of DevOps experts via email, slack, and video conferencing.

We provide commercial support for all of our Open Source projects. As a Dedicated Support customer, you have access to our team of subject matter experts at a fraction of the cost of a fulltime engineer.


  • Questions. We'll use a Shared Slack channel between your team and ours.
  • Troubleshooting. We'll help you triage why things aren't working.
  • Code Reviews. We'll review your Pull Requests and provide constructive feedback.
  • Bug Fixes. We'll rapidly work to fix any bugs in our projects.
  • Build New Terraform Modules. We'll develop original modules to provision infrastructure.
  • Cloud Architecture. We'll assist with your cloud strategy and design.
  • Implementation. We'll provide hands on support to implement our reference architectures.

Community Forum

Get access to our Open Source Community Forum on Slack. It's FREE to join for everyone! Our "SweetOps" community is where you get to talk with others who share a similar vision for how to rollout and manage infrastructure. This is the best place to talk shop, ask questions, solicit feedback, and work together as a community to build sweet infrastructure.


Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.


If you are interested in being a contributor and want to get involved in developing this project or help out with our other projects, we would love to hear from you! Shoot us an email.

In general, PRs are welcome. We follow the typical "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Commit changes to your own branch
  4. Push your work back up to your fork
  5. Submit a Pull Request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest changes from "upstream" before making a pull request!


Copyright © 2017-2018 Cloud Posse, LLC


License: GPL v3

Version 3, 29 June 2007

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.


This project is maintained and funded by Cloud Posse, LLC. Like it? Please let us know at [email protected]

Cloud Posse

We're a DevOps Professional Services company based in Los Angeles, CA. We love Open Source Software!

We offer paid support on all of our projects.

Check out our other projects, apply for a job, or hire us to help with your cloud strategy and implementation.


Erik Osterman
Erik Osterman
Leo O'Donnell
Leo O'Donnell
Christian Meier
Christian Meier
Gabriel de Perthuis
Gabriel de Perthuis
Thomas Russell Murphy
Thomas Russell Murphy
Kongqun Yang
Kongqun Yang
Vincent Billey
Vincent Billey
Rafał Rzepecki
Rafał Rzepecki
David Yip
David Yip
Daniel Freedman
Daniel Freedman
Mitch Souders
Mitch Souders
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
Colin Dean
Colin Dean
Wahaj Shamim
Wahaj Shamim
Lloyd Dewolf
Lloyd Dewolf