A Leiningen plugin for producing Datadoc JARs from your Leiningen projects.
If you don't know about Datadoc JARs: they are a way of packaging and publishing documentation for your project/library. Good documentation increases adoption, so why not do the data doc? Most likely, all you need to do is follow the two steps described below.
Belongs to the Grenada project. For an overview of Grenada documentation, see here.
Only tested with Leiningen 2.5.1.
These two steps produce a Datadoc JAR from your Leiningen project and deploy it to Clojars. The Datadoc JAR will contain roughly the same information as API documentation pages produced by Codox or Autodoc. See below for how to provide additional information.
Decide if you want the
lein datadoc
plugin available in all your Leiningen projects or only in selected ones.a. all projects Augment your
in the following way:{… :user {… :aliases {… "datadoc" ["with-profile" "datadoc" "datadoc"]}} :datadoc {… :dependencies [… [org.clojars.rmoehn/lein-grim "0.3.10"]] :plugins [… [org.clj-grenada/lein-datadoc "1.0.0-rc.3"]}}
Yes, this introduces a new profile. See below why this necessary.
b. selected projects Augment your
in the following way:(defproject … … :profiles {… :dev {… :dependencies [… [org.clojars.rmoehn/lein-grim "0.3.10"]] :plugins [… [org.clj-grenada/lein-datadoc "1.0.0-rc.3"]]})
In your project's root directory, run
lein datadoc install
to create a Datadoc JAR and install it into your local Maven repository. Orlein datadoc deploy clojars
to create a Datadoc JAR and deploy it to Clojars. The coordinates in both cases will be the same as your project's.Note that Clojars doesn't know about Datadoc JARs (yet), so it will display your Datadoc JAR in an odd way or not at all. But don't worry, if you didn't see an error while deploying, everything will be where you want it to be. If Datadoc JARs become popular, Clojars will probably start supporting them.
Sometimes a doc string is not enough. – You want to provide additional structured information about your concrete things. For example, you want to specify when a concrete thing was added or deprecated, or simply the markup language used for its doc string. In order to do this, you can attach Bars in a concrete Thing's Cmetadata. Looks like this:
(defn identity
"Returns its argument `x` unchanged."
{:grenada.cmeta/bars {:grenada.bars/lifespan {:added "1.0.4"
:deprecated nil}
:poomoo.bars/markup :common-mark}}
See the namespaces
for the currently available Bar types. If you don't find a Bar type fit to
hold your information, you can define your
There's a problem with AOT compilation and some bugs somewhere. See Leiningen
#1563 and
#1739 for details. As a
workaround they suggest putting :exclusions
in the plugin dependency, but in
this case we actually need org.clojure/core.cache
, so we can't exclude it.
Adding a :datadoc
profile keeps the Datadoc stuff out of the way and the
alias makes it easy to type. An extra benefit is that lein-grim doesn't end up
in all your projects' classpaths, which it would do if you put it in the :user
The drawback is that you can't use lein do with this setup. lein do datadoc this, datadoc that
will not do what you want in certain cases.
For more information on profiles, see the Leiningen documentation.
Writhing with shame, I have to refer you to the source
code and to the documentation emitted by lein help datadoc
. In a visible future I will provide better immediate support.