ISO19139 dutch service schema plugin.
Use GeoNetwork 3.10. It's not supported in older versions so don't plug it into it!
The best approach is to add the plugin as a submodule into GeoNetwork schema module.
cd schemas
git submodule add -b 3.10.x
Add the new module to the schema/pom.xml:
Add the dependency in the web module in web/pom.xml:
Add the module to the webapp in web/pom.xml:
Editor configuration in GeoNetwork 3.10.x is done in schemas/
inside each view. Default values are the following:
<directive data-gn-onlinesrc-list=""/>
<directive gn-geo-publisher=""
<directive data-gn-validation-report=""/>
<directive data-gn-suggestion-list=""/>
<directive data-gn-need-help="user-guide/describing-information/creating-metadata.html"/>
Once the application is build, the war file contains the schema plugin:
$ mvn clean install -Penv-prod
After building the application, it's possible to deploy the schema plugin manually in an existing GeoNetwork installation:
Copy the content of the folder schemas/ to INSTALL_DIR/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data/config/schema_plugins/
Copy the jar file schemas/ to INSTALL_DIR/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lib.
If there's no changes to the profile Java code or the configuration (config-spring-geonetwork.xml), the jar file is not required to be deployed each time.