This Github site contains materials, data, and resources for lab exercises and assignments.
Materials for the course at will be posted to this site and updated on a regular basis.
We recommend downloading a copy of the materials to your local computer each week, so you get the most up to date copy.
If you need assistance or have questions, please seek one of the instructors out during office hours.
- Sarah - Monday, 3:30-5pm
- Mike - Tuesday, 2-5pm
- Carlos - Friday, 3-5pm
There are also plenty of resources available online. We encourage you to check out:
- Week 1 - "Intro to Git, Anaconda, and Python"
- Week 2 - "Python Data Structures"
- Week 3 -"Introduction to Pandas"
- Week 4 -"Data Scraping and Web APIs"
- Week 5 - "Data Analysis and Aggregation, Exploratory Visualizations (Leaflet Maps)."
- Week 6 - "Intro to Websites - MOCK-UP Prep"
- Week 7 - Midterm
- == Spring Break ==
- Week 9 - "Web Visualizations - Intro to D3"
- Week 10 - "Data Structures, Layouts"
- Week 11 - "Geographic Visualizations"
- Week 12 - "Data Driven Maps"
- Week 13 - "User Interaction, Event Handlers"
- Week 14 - "User Interaction - Review"
- Week 15 - "Final Presentations"