Feature or other request that adds functionality or improved usability
PR will be merged to feature branch first
Bugs that appear to be related to game code.
Blocked by or requires another change, read PR description.
Help is requested from both the public and staff a who can offer ideas, solutions, etc.
Requires changes before it's considered valid and can be (re)triaged
PRs that need manual review and work before merging.
PRs that need manual verification by testing the change locally
This PR is enqueued for merging
Issues/PRs related to RedM
Issues/PRs related to either C# scripting runtimes
Issues/PRs related to the JavaScript scripting runtime
Issues/PRs related to the Lua scripting runtime
Issue or PR has remained open with no activity and has become stale.
Action on this has been deferred to a later time
Request is currently being discussed before being (re)triaged
Issue has been triaged and ready to be picked up to be fixed
Requires more info before this issue/PR can move on
Hard issues that take time as there's no 'one' obvious way.
Needs a preliminary assessment to determine the urgency and required action