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For Users


The mod supports NeoForge and Fabric (*) mod loaders. Follow either mod loader's installation guide, then download the mod file for your Minecraft version from CurseForge or Modrinth, and install it into the .minecraft/mods folder.

(*) Fabric API is not required.


Run the game once to create the configuration file. By default, the window title will be set to Minecraft . Unlike in vanilla 1.15.2 onwards, the title will not change when you enter a world/server.

To change the title or icon, navigate to the .minecraft/config folder, and open customwindowtitle-client.toml in a text editor. You will see the following entries:

title = 'Minecraft {mcversion}'  
icon = ''  

Only edit text inside quotes or apostrophes.

Changing the Title

You can use the following special tokens in the title configuration entry:

  • {mcversion} - current Minecraft version
  • {modversion:<mod_id>} - version of installed mod with the identifier <mod_id>
  • {username} - current username

If any of the tokens aren't working, search the game log for CustomWindowTitle and you should see the reason, otherwise please file an issue on the issue tracker with as many details as possible.

Changing the Icon

Minecraft 1.21+

This feature is only available in Custom Window Title 1.4.0 and newer.

Create a square PNG image whose dimensions are a power of two, such as 32x32 or 48x48. Put the PNG file into the .minecraft/config folder, either directly or into a subfolder.

The icon must be saved with transparency even if it doesn't use it, otherwise the icon may be corrupted or not appear at all. In Krita, for example, you must check Store alpha channel (transparency) when saving.

The icon configuration entry points to the PNG file relative to .minecraft/config.

For example, if you placed the icon into .minecraft/config/customwindowtitle/icon.png, then the configuration entry should look like this:

icon = 'customwindowtitle/icon.png'

Minecraft 1.20

This feature is not available in Minecraft 1.20.

Minecraft 1.19 and older

Instead of one icon configuration entry, there are two configuration entries icon16 and icon32 for icons with dimensions 16x16 and 32x32.


These screenshots were taken using the following example configuration:

title = "Minecraft {mcversion} - Custom Window Title {modversion:customwindowtitle}"

For Developers

The mod sources are organized into 3 projects:

  • src/ contains common source files and mixins
  • Fabric/src/ contains source files specific for Fabric
  • NeoForge/src/ contains source files specific for NeoForge

The assemble Gradle task creates a single .jar file for both mod loaders in the build/dist folder.

When building against a Minecraft version that is only supported by one mod loader, open and comment or remove either neoForgeVersion or fabricVersion to disable them.

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Contributors 3

