This is just a simple collection of algorithms in various languages. Read the file before contributing.
Feel free to contribute any algorithm you can find! 😄
Open an issue if you discover any bugs or issues with any algorithm or any documentation.
Happy Open Sourcing!
- Array Rotation By 1
- Maximum of Array
- Number of Inversions in a Array
- Min Cost Path
- Pangram
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Reverse an array
- Detect_Loop_in_Linked_List
- Delete consecutive duplicate elements in Linked List
- Reversing a Linked List using stack
- Breadth First Traversal
- Depth First Traversal
- Dijkstra Shortest Path
- Floyd Warshall Algorithm
- Graph Coloring using backtracking
- L-ary Heap
- Bellman Ford Shortest Path
- Kruskal Minimum Spanning Tree
- Armstrong No
- Binomial Coefficient
- Finding factors of a number
- Fibonacci Series
- Magic Number
- Towers_of_Hanoi
- Digits to Figure
- T Prime Number
- Fast Power
- Last_Men_Standing
- Modulo Square Root
- Sum_of_fibonacci_numbers
- Check_if_given_number_is_Fibonacci_number