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Releases: chianti-atomic/ChiantiPy

ChiantiPy version 0.15.1

04 May 15:23
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Changes from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1

The continuum.freeBound method has been corrected so that it can be used under extreme conditions and not fail.

The io.abundanceRead method has been updated to work with new files in the upcoming CHIANTI 10.1 release

ChiantiPy version 0.15.0

30 Nov 17:35
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from the changelog

Significant improvement have been made. It is now possible to calculate spectral line intensities in wavelength/energy units of angstroms, nm, eV, or keV

Calculations of the continuum still require that the wavelengths are in angstroms.

The free-bound continuum now includes the photoionization cross sections of Verner for recombination to the ground level

The free-free continuum has been correction to use the ion charge, not the nuclear charge previously used

A new class MradLoss.mradLoss has been created. It allows multiprocessing calculations of the radiative loss rate

The chiantirc file can now also be placed in the $HOME/.config directory

ChiantiPy version 0.14.1

16 Sep 15:03
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This relatively minor release adds some new features and corrects some glitches

A function demRead has been to for reading the CHIANTI .dem files in the XUVTOP/dem directory

The spectrumPlot method has been updated to provide more correct labeling of syntheic spectra

The QuickStart guide (html and notebook) have been updated to reflect these changes and show how to use the .dem files

ChiantiPy version 0.14.0

14 Aug 14:20
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a new class 'ch.redux' restores the attributes saved by the saveData methods. It inherits as number of methods, especially, for plotting.

the inherited methods 'intensityPlot' and 'spectrumPlot' have been improved. These are inherited by the ion, bunch, spectrum, mspectrum, ipymspectrum and redux classes.

First, these methods will also display the ion name ('Fe XIV') and wavelength together with the line intensities or spectral intensity.

These are more flexible and several keyword arguments have been added:

'doLabel' governs whether to display the ion name and wavelength
'lw' the linewidth of the marker in matplotlib units (default=1)
'doTitle' governs whether to add a title to the plot

Import bug fix: the indices for calculating the two-photon continue were update to match the new ordering of the energy levels for the h-like and he-like ions.

The ionization potential array (Ip) has been enlarged to make room for call to zn_31

ChiantiPy version 0.13.1

26 Jun 16:30
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This is primarily a bug fix release to correct a bug in ionGate that was not taken care of in the 0.13.0 release.

ChiantiPy version 0.13.0

19 Jun 15:14
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it is now possible to incorporate a user created abundance file. It needs to be of the same structure as one of the .abund files in the XUVTOP/abundance directory. The file can be located anywhere on the user's computer. It will be read if the abundance keyword is set to a fully qualified file name of the new abundance file, such as '/home/me/myabudance.abund', or equally, '/home/me/myabudance.txt'

The core classes, bunch and the various spectrum classes, now have saveData methods to save calculations to a pickle file

by default, the PyQt widgets are now used a selection tools. The command line selection tools are still available but the ~/.chianti/chiantirc file needs to select them.

Problems with the ionGate method have been fixed. This method help to select which ions will be used in multi-ion calculations

ChiantiPy version 0.12.0

05 Apr 16:46
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The model module is more mature

For Windows users, it is now possible to place the chiantirc file in $PROJECTHOME/.config or $PROJECTHOME/.chianti

Many improved docstrings for the documentation

the bunch class has been moved to a new module core.Bunch

a number of jupyter ipython notebooks have been created/improved to demonstrate the use of the bunch, spectrum and model.Maker classes. A short README.txt can be found in the same directory provides an introduction to these notebooks

A bug in the inherited method base._IntensityRatio() was not properly corrected in v0.10.0. This is fixed here

Release of ChiantiPy version 0.11.0

12 Apr 14:25
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Calculations of the free-bound/radiative recombination continuum and radiation losses depend on a file that provides and LS description of the bound and singly excited energy levels. This file is called c_5.fblvl in the case of C V. Not all ions have an associated .fblvl files and is was necessary to revise ChiantiPy to ignore the free-bound calculation for these ions.

In addition, it was found that under extreme conditions, such as very low temperatures for highly ionized species, that bad values would arise (Nans and infinities). These are now detected and removed.

ChiantiPy version 0.10.0

03 Mar 16:54
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The Karzas and Latter (1965) bound-free gaunt factors in the CHIANTI database have been corrected as of CHIANTI version 10. This effects the calculation of the free-bound continuum. The continuum.freeBound method has been updated to uses these new data.

The freeBound and the freeFree methods now have 2 new keyword variables: includeAbund and includeIoneq. Their initial values are True so that elemental abundance and the ionization equilibrium appropriate to the ion is included the the output spectrum.

The freeBoundEmiss is removed as it has become redundant

A new continuum method, freeBoundLossMao includes the radiative-recombination (free-bound) loss rate as calculatd by Mao et al. (2017)

a bug in the inherited method base._IntensityRatio() was corrected.

ChiantiPy Version 0.9.5

19 Feb 17:04
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This is a bug-fix release. The inherited method base._IntensityRatio failed when trying to take the intensity ratio of lines from different ions

The release is also available on PyPI

Documentation is available on

and on ReadTheDocs