Christopher Hansen - github
This repository contains my projects for Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree
- p1 - Movie Trailer Website - A responsive website that reads and displays movie information with viewable trailers
- p2 - Logs Analysis - Uses vagrant to query a PostgreSQL database of articles, authors, and log entries for analysis
- p3 - Item Catalog - Website using Flask, sqlalchemy, oauth2client, jinja2 to keep a database of grocery store items by category with logins via Facebook and Google
- p4 - Linux Web Server Configuration - Configured a base Ubuntu installation to deliver web content using ufw, PostgreSQL, apache2, and secure user management
- Programming Foundations with Python
- Intro to Relational Databases
- Authentication & Authorization: OAuth
- Full Stack Foundations
- Configuring Linux Web Servers
- Linux Command Line Basics