This repository contains my projects for Udacity's Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree
- p1 - Mockup to Website - A responsive website to showcase projects
- p2 - Interactive Resume - A responsive resume website
- p3 - Classic Arcade Game Clone - A 'Frogger' remake
- p4 - Website Optimization - A graphical website optimized for performance
- p5 - Neighborhood Map Project - A map of Arizona sites using Google Maps and Wikipedia APIs
- p6 - Feed Reader Testing - A scrolling feed reader website with unit testing using Jasmine
- Intro to HTML and CSS
- Responsive Web Design Fundamentals
- Responsive Images
- JavaScript Basics
- Intro to jQuery
- Object-Oriented JavaScript
- HTML5 Canvas
- Browser Rendering Optimization
- Website Performance Optimization
- Intro to AJAX
- JavaScript Design Patterns
- JavaScript Testing