These are my customization scripts for every time I have to perform a Kali clean install.
- Space: 60Gi disk
- Memory: 8Gi
- Processor: >= 2 cores
- Kali installed with Xfce (default) desktop
Note: These scripts work in any other desktop perfectly. However, you must know how to change the desktop to bspwm at the login. Besides that, Xfce is a bit more stable than other desktops in kali.
- From a freshly installed Kali machine, update all packages by running:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
- Install Ansible:
sudo apt install ansible-core
- Run a command as sudo to cache the sudo authentication, for example:
sudo whoami
- From the root directory of the repository run:
ansible-playbook main.yml
When it finishes, restart the virtual machine, and before logging in, check the menu on the right-top corner and select bspwm.
Log in and enjoy!
Disclaimer: These Ansible scripts might work on other linux flavors like Parrot, Debian or even Ubuntu, but these scripts haven't been tested on those distros yet.