A curated list of open source projects used in nuclear science and engineering.
- ERGnrc — Monte Carlo photon/electron/positron transport code
- FRENSIE — Monte Carlo neutron/photon transport code
- Geant4 — High-energy Monte Carlo particle transport code
- OpenMC — Monte Carlo neutron/photon transport code
- SCONE — Monte Carlo neutron transport code
- Warp — Monte Carlo neutron transport code on GPUs
- BART — Finite-element, discrete ordinates code developed by UC-Berkeley
- Chi-Tech — Parallel discrete ordinates code developed by Texas A&M
- DRAGON — Lattice code developed by Polytechnique Montreal
- milonga — Finite-element and finite-volume, diffusion and discrete ordinates code
- OpenMOC — Method of characteristics code
- ACE Format — Documentation of the ACE format
- csg2csg — Tool to translate between different CSG types
- DAGMC — Direct accelerated geometry Monte Carlo toolkit
- McCAD — CAD (BRep) to Monte Carlo (CSG) Conversion Tool
- MCNPTools — C++/Python interface and tools for MCNP
- MCPL — Binary file format for storing particle state
- serpentTools — Python-based tool suite for Serpent
- t4_geom_convert — Convert MCNP geometries to TRIPOLI-4
- ACEMAKER — Code package to produce ACE files
- EMPIRE — Nuclear reaction model code
- endf-python — Python ENDF Parser
- FRENDY — Nuclear data processing
- FUDGE — Python-based nuclear data processing
- JADE — Tool for nuclear data library V&V
- NJOY21 — Nuclear data processing
- NucML — Machine-learning pipeline for nuclear data evaluation
- PapillonNDL — C++ / Python library for reading and sampling ACE files
- PREPRO — Nuclear data processing
- PyNjoy 2012 — Nuclear data processing
- SANDY — Sampling tool for nuclear data
- SCALE — Public components of SCALE (AMPX, SAMMY)
- TALYS — Nuclear Reaction Simulator Code
- ADDER — Python-based fuel management and depletion tool
- ALARA — Activation code widely used for fusion
- ONIX — Python-based burnup code
- OpenMC — Depetion solver integrated in OpenMC
- radioactivedecay — Radioactive decay solver
- KOMODO — Nuclear reactor simulator that solves 3-D diffusion using nodal methods
- PyRK — Neutronic and thermal hydraulic reactor transient analysis in 0-D
- Research Reactor Simulator — Real-time GUI research reactor simulator based on point kinetics
- Cyclus — Nuclear fuel cycle simulator
- DASSH — Subchannel thermal fluids code for hexagonal assemblies
- Nek5000 — Spectral-element CFD code
- nekRS — Spectral-element CFD code targeting modern processors and accelerators
- OpenFOAM — Finite volume CFD code
- TrioCFD — A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code based on the TRUST platform.
- Aurora — OpenMC wrapped as a MOOSE app
- Cardinal — OpenMC and nekRS wrapped as MOOSE apps
- ENRICO — Monte Carlo + CFD coupling application
- GeN-Foam — OpenFOAM based multi-physics solver for reactor analysis
- MOOSE — Finite-element, multiphysics framework
- SALOME — Interoperability between CAD and multiphysics software
- TRUST — A software platform upon which CFD codes can be built
- Moltres — A molten salt reactor simulator code
- MSRE — Detailed CAD model of the MSRE
- SaltProc — Fuel reprocessing simulation tool
- ARMI — Reactor analysis automation framework
- NRIC Virtual Test Bed — Repository of example challenge problems
- PyNE — Python/C++ nuclear engineering toolkit
- WATTS — Python-based tool for templated simulations
- LaTeX classes and BibTeX style for ANS publications
- ARFC (UIUC) — Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles
- CNERG (UW-Madison) — Computational Nuclear Engineering Research Group
- CRPG (MIT) — Computational Reactor Physics Group
- ONCORE (IAEA) — an IAEA-facilitated international collaboration framework for the development and application of open-source multi-physics simulation tools to support research, education and training for the analysis of advanced nuclear power reactors.