Release v1.20.2: Dependency Update
284 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
👀 What Changed
This small release mainly adapts DDSIM to the latest changes in mqt-core and qiskit. Furthermore it enables a few more ruff
checks to help in increasing code quality.
- 👽 adapt to latest changes in
@dependabot (#313) - 👽 adapt to latest qiskit version @burgholzer (#315)
📄 Documentation
- 📝 added project acknowledgements @burgholzer (#317)
🤖 CI
- ✨ adopt ruff formatter and update ruff config @burgholzer (#312)
📦 Packaging
- ⬆️ update
@burgholzer (#316)
🧹 Code Quality
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks @pre-commit-ci (#314)
- ✨ adopt ruff formatter and update ruff config @burgholzer (#312)
⬆️ Dependencies
7 changes
- 👽 adapt to latest changes in
@dependabot (#313) - ⬆️ update
@burgholzer (#316) - ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks @pre-commit-ci (#314)
- 👽 adapt to latest qiskit version @burgholzer (#315)
- ✨ adopt ruff formatter and update ruff config @burgholzer (#312)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks @pre-commit-ci (#309)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks @pre-commit-ci (#307)
Full Changelog: v1.20.1...v1.20.2