👋 Greetings! Nice to meet you.
🤖 I'm passionate about robotics.
🛠️ In my spare time, I enjoy designing and developing—apps, video games, maintaining my personal websites, and more.
💡 I hope you find my repositories interesting, useful, and inspiring.
📌 Fun fact:
✨ 299,792,458 m/s is the speed of light. It's a defined physical constant, making it an exact value.
👋 你好,欢迎!
🤖 我现在投身于我热爱的 机器人领域。
🎮 闲暇时,我也喜欢搞点有意思的东西,比如 小游戏(从小喜欢)、有用的 App(兴许还能赚点小钱?)、或者我的个人网站 👉 cc299792458.github.io。
💡 希望我的仓库对你 有趣、有用、有启发。
📌 冷知识:
🌟 299,792,458 m/s 是宇宙中的 光速,它是一个人为定义的物理常数,因此是 精确值。