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A collection of utilities and custom change sources for @rocicorp/zero


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A collection of utilities and custom change source implementations for @rocicorp/zero

MIT License

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Repository Structure
  3. Getting Started
  4. Usage
  5. Development
  6. Versioning & Releases
  7. Contributing
  8. Roadmap & Future Plans
  9. License
  10. Acknowledgments


This monorepo hosts various utilities and custom change source implementations designed to integrate with @rocicorp/zero. The primary goal is to provide building blocks and ready-to-use change sources for developers looking to extend or customize Zero’s caching and synchronization features.

Key Points

  • Tools: Yarn v4 Workspaces + Turborepo for streamlined development.
  • Tech Stack: TypeScript code running on Node.js v22+ (Deno + Bun support pending community interest).
  • Framework: NestJS for custom change source implementations in the apps/ folder.
  • Deployment: Custom change sources can be containerized via Docker.


This repo is actively maintained and open to community feedback. If you have questions or requests (e.g., example demos), feel free to open an issue or pull request.

Repository Structure

Here is an overview of the repository layout. We use Yarn Workspaces to manage multiple packages (both libraries and apps), and Turborepo for caching and running tasks in parallel.

├── apps/
│   ├── source-mongoose/     # zero change source for MongoDB/Mongoose
│   └── ...                  # (TODO) other custom change sources
├── libs/
│   ├── eslint-config/       # shared ESLint config
│   ├── tsconfig/            # shared TSConfig
│   ├── zero/                # re-export of select parts of @rocicorp/zero in CommonJS format
│   └── zero-nest-mongoose/  # utilities to generate zero schemas from @nestjs/mongoose entities
├──               # license file
├──                # this README file
└── ...                      # other files

Apps Folder (apps/)

  • Contains custom change source implementations for @rocicorp/zero.
  • Typically built with NestJS unless otherwise noted in the app’s README.
  • Meant to be deployable as Docker containers (but may support other deployment strategies in the future).

Libs Folder (libs/)

  • Contains library code that can be reused across multiple apps.
  • Each library is published as a separate npm package.
  • All library code is written in TypeScript.

Getting Started


  1. Node.js version 22.x (or higher)
  2. Yarn (v4 or later)
  3. (Optional) Docker if you intend to build Docker images for the custom change sources.


  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd zero-utilities-monorepo
  2. Install dependencies and build the libraries:

    yarn && yarn build

    This will bootstrap all the workspace packages and install each package’s dependencies.

Scripts Overview

The following global scripts are available (run from the repo root):

  • yarn build: Builds all apps and libraries in the repo.
  • yarn build:libs": Builds all libraries in the repo.
  • yarn dev: Runs the deb script across all apps and libraries that define one.
  • yarn lint: Runs eslint across all packages.
  • yarn format: Runs prettier across all workspaces.

You can also navigate into specific packages and run scripts locally, but using turbo allows for caching and parallelization.


Libraries (libs/)


Note: Since these libraries are intended to complement @rocicorp/zero, check each library’s individual for usage details (e.g., required config or environment variables).

Custom Change Sources (apps/)



This section describes how to develop in the monorepo.

Running the Project Locally


Build Process

  • Root Build: Compiles all TypeScript packages, outputting them into each package’s designated dist folder.
yarn && yarn build
  • Per Package: You can also build individual packages:
yarn && yarn build --filter apps/...


yarn && yarn build --filter libs/...



Versioning & Releases

This repository follows Semantic Versioning (SemVer). Each package in this monorepo will use the standard versioning scheme MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

  1. MAJOR – incompatible API changes.
  2. MINOR – add functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
  3. PATCH – backward-compatible bug fixes.

Once we set up an automated release process (e.g., using changesets or a similar tool), we’ll update this section with details on how to bump versions and publish new releases.


Contributions are welcome! I’d love your help in making this project better.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature or bugfix branch
  3. Commit your changes with clear commit messages
  4. Open a Pull Request (PR)

I’ll review your PR as soon as possible. For major changes, please open an issue or ping @cbnsndwch in the Rocicorp Discord server first to discuss the proposed modifications.

If you’re not sure where to start, feel free to check the open issues or suggest new ideas!

Roadmap & Future Plans

Here are some of our future plans and directions:

  • GitHub Actions: Add workflows for CI (build, test, lint) and maybe automated Docker builds.
  • Examples & Demos: Provide concrete usage examples or a sample application demonstrating how these libraries integrate with @rocicorp/zero.
  • Docker Support: Improve Docker image building processes (multi-stage builds, smaller images).
  • Extended Documentation: Each library and app might get deeper documentation, usage guides, or best practices for integration with Zero.
  • Additional Change Source Implementations: Based on community feedback or personal needs.

Don’t see something you need? Open an issue or Join the discussion to suggest improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the license file for more details.


  • Thanks to @rocicorp/zero for providing the base technology this repo extends. If you're new to Zero, check out Zero's Documentation for a great introduction.
  • NestJS – for powering our server-side apps.
  • The community – your feedback and contributions help shape this project’s future.

Happy syncing, and welcome to the repo!


A collection of utilities and custom change sources for @rocicorp/zero







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