Simple Python class to access the Tesla JSON API.
Written by Greg Glockner
This is a simple Python interface to the Tesla JSON API. With this, you can query your vehicle, control charge settings, turn on the air conditioning, and more. You can also embed this into other programs to automate these controls.
The class is designed to be simple. You initialize a Connection object, retrieve the list of Vehicle objects, then perform get/set methods on a Vehicle. There is a single get method [Vehicle.data_request()] and a single set method [Vehicle.command()] so that the class does not require changes when there are minor updates to the underlying JSON API.
This has been tested with Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. It has no dependencies beyond the standard Python libraries.
- Download the repository zip file and uncompress it
- Run the following command with your Python interpreter:
python install
Alternately, add the code to your program.
Connection(email, password, **kwargs)
Initialize the connection to the Tesla Motors website.
Required parameters:
- email: your login for
- password: your password for
Optional parameters:
- access_token: the session access token
- proxy_url: URL for proxy server
- proxy_user: username for proxy server
- proxy_password: password for proxy server
: A list of Vehicle objects, corresponding to the
vehicles associated with your account on
: The vehicle class is a subclass of a Python dictionary
(dict). A Vehicle object contains fields that identify your
vehicle, such as the Vehicle Identification Number (Vehicle['vin']).
All standard dictionary methods are supported.
: Wake the vehicle.
: Retrieve data values specified by name, such
as charge_state, climate_state, vehicle_state. Returns a
dictionary (dict). For a full list of name values, see the GET
commands in the Tesla JSON API.
: Execute the command specified by name, such
as charge_port_door_open, charge_max_range. Returns a
dictionary (dict). For a full list of name values, see the POST commands
in the Tesla JSON API.
import teslajson
c = teslajson.Connection('youremail', 'yourpassword')
v = c.vehicles[0]
See more examples in Examples folder
Many thanks to Tim Dorr for documenting the Tesla JSON API. This would not be possible without his work.
This software is provided as-is. This software is not supported by or endorsed by Tesla Motors. Tesla Motors does not publicly support the underlying JSON API, so this software may stop working at any time. The author makes no guarantee to release an updated version to fix any incompatibilities.