An open source alternative to Carta, Pulley, Angelist and others.
Captable, Inc. will follow the Open Cap Table Coalition format, an open source standard to prevent lock-in and keep lawyer fees low. No promises.
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- We ❤️ contributors! Feel free to contribute to this project!.
- Any contributions you make are truly appreciated.
- Let's continue contributing to keep the community active and growing.
- Let's collaborate on Discord community channel.
Follow the steps below to stand the app up locally.
1. Install dependencies.
npm i
2. Copy .env.example
cp .env.example .env
3. Run docker to setup
If you prefer to run the app without docker, you can skip this step and configure the following services manually:
- Postgres database
- Minio storage
- SMTP server
npm run docker:start
Generate tables and the Prisma client.
npx prisma migrate dev
To see what's in your database, run Prisma Studio:
npm run db:studio
4. Seed some data (For dev environment)
npm run db:seed
5. Run the web app
npm run dev
6. Install and run SMTP server
If you have setup database using docker, this step is optional.
Mailpit or something similar can be used intercept emails in development.
npm run email:dev
Open your browser to the URLs given by the web app and studio processes. You're up and running, good job! 🎉
- Click the button below to open this project in Gitpod.
Coming soon to a PaaS near you: