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The Cape Cod Coastal Planner is a tool that seeks to educate around shoreline intervention projects.

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Cape Cod Coastal Planner

This project is designed and built for the Cape Cod Commission of Barnstable County, Massachusetts and provides a public portal for communities of Cape Cod to assess, compare, and plan various strategies in response to the three major coastal hazards: storm surge, erosion, and sea level rise.

It is divided into 2 main projects:

  1. ccc/chip_api - a GraphQL API written in Elixir and using the Phoenix web framework and the Absinthe GraphQL library
  2. ccc/chip_app - a Single-page App written in Elm and using the OpenLayers and Turf.js libraries for mapping and geospatial analysis

Architecture Decision Records can be found in ccc/docs/architecture and document the major architectural choices made throughout this project.

Local Docker & Development - (!!if developing create a feature branch off the dev branch!!)

# Navigate to the project directory
cd cape-cod-coastal-planner/

# Checkout the dev branch
git checkout -b xxxXXXX dev

# Create a feature branch off the dev branch
naming convention of feature branch `this-feature`

# Navigate to chip_api/config
create `dev.secret.exs` & `test.secret.exs`

# Navigate to chip_api/
uncomment `mix ecto.setup` line (Only for development)

# Run & destroy all services locally with docker
`docker-compose up --build` (create docker-compose services)
`docker-compose down -v` (destroy docker-compose services)

#Prior to rebasing feature-branch against dev branch
navigate to `chip_api/` and comment `mix ecto.setup` line again


Pushing to dev or master branches will trigger our pipeline:

  1. CircleCI or Azure Devlops will pull our recent code from the specified branch
    • Then rebuild, tag, and push the Front and API containers with our latest code to ACR
  2. Azure Webhooks watch our tagged containers on ACR
    • On-push, will ping Keel
  3. Keel rebuilds pods with the correctly tagged images on Kubernetes

AKS Specs

# Resource Group

# Kubernetes Service

# Node Resource Group


To build and push local images to Azure Container Registry

# Log in to Azure Container Registry (ACR) ccccontainers
az acr login -n ccccontainers

# Build local images from Dockerfile directories and tag with ACR login server name
# NOTE: Increment tag version number for each additional build
docker build ./chip_app -t
docker build ./chip_api -t

# Push images to ACR, use :latest for default tag
docker push
docker push

# To remove local images and build cache
docker system prune -a



To deploy to Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) CCC-AKS-01

# Log in to Azure
az login

# Connect to cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group CCC-AKSGroup --name CCC-AKS-01

# View status of pods, services, deployments, and recplicasets
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
kubectl get deployments

# Deploy new Kubernetes config to AKS Cluster
# This is in Sharepoint
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-deployment.yml

# Enter an interactive terminal into a pod id
kubectl exec -it cccpapi-1234567 -- /bin/bash

# Install Keel on AKS to rebuild pods when pinged
helm upgrade --install keel --namespace=keel keel/keel --set service.enabled="true" 

# To delete all services, deployments, pods, replicasets, volumes
kubectl delete daemonsets,replicasets,services,deployments,pods,rc --all

# To delete a persistent volume and claim
kubectl delete pvc pgdata-claim


To view the CCC-AKS-DEV-01 Cluster:

# Log in
az login

# Start local webapp to view CCC-AKS-DEV-01  
az aks browse --resource-group CCC-AKSGroup --name CCC-AKS-01

Starting from Scratch on Kubes

  1. Set up database and persistent volume claim (cccpdb)
  2. Set up API (cccpapi) (NOTE: this step is necessary to seed (a.k.a. build) the database)
  3. Seed database from API (exec mix ecto.setup)
  4. Delete API [NOTE: steps 4 & 5 are necessary because you need a database for the API to properly f(x), otherwise you have a dysfunctional API]
  5. Re-build API
  6. Build front-end (cccpfront)
  7. Set up cccpapi dev & uat
  8. Set up cccpfrontdev, then uat 1 @ a time
  9. Install ingress
  10. Install cert-manager (delete purge if existing prior)
  11. Create cluster issuer (letsencrypt-prod & specific namespace)
  12. Create a certificate object w/ secrets (namespace specific - www, uat & dev)
  13. Create ingress w/ hosts & secrets
  14. Then rebuild, tag, and push the Front and API containers with our latest code to ACR


The Cape Cod Coastal Planner is a tool that seeks to educate around shoreline intervention projects.







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