This is Sphinx Syft Theme package. You can contribute via Github.
This mini documentation contains the basic development and deployment steps for sphinx-syft-theme. Additional information is available here
- Theme setup is decribed Read more.
- Storing project metadata in pyproject.toml Read more.
- Error index: Read more.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Revert to CI deployment
[build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "setuptools_scm"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
[project] name = "sphinx-syft-theme" description = "Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the syft community" dynamic = ["version"] authors = [ {name = "Callis Ezenwaka", email = "[email protected]"}, ] maintainers = [ { name = "Callis Ezenwaka", email = "[email protected]" }, ]
[tool.setuptools_scm] version_scheme = "post-release" local_scheme = "no-local-version"
[tool.setuptools_scm] write_to = "src/sphinx_syft_theme/"