Full serverlerss application to upload and temporary share files. Being serverless, there is no upcoming costs with AWS, it is all based on usage of the following AWS services: Lambda / DynamoDB / Cognito / API Gateway / S3.
- Administrator login, upload files and get a single link per file with 24hours expiry date.
- Admin shares the url to users and they can download the file until the date is valid.
- Admin can always edit the file and renew the expiration date.
- Pagination / search / sort
- Flexibility on expiration date
- Serverless Framework
- React
- NodeJS
- AWS Lambda
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS S3
- AWS Cognito
Install Serverless Framework globally
npm install serverless -g
Go to the backend folder
cd backend/
Give a name to the project editing the field service
on the file serverless.yaml
Deploy the backend
serverless deploy -v
Go to the frontend folder
cd frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Edit configurations file replacing the values with the ones created by the deploy script
Build the project
npm run-script build
Copy build files to s3 hosting bucket
aws s3 sync build s3://<your-hosting-bucket>
Go to Cognito console and create a new user or use the following commands to create and confirm one
- create username
aws cognito-idp sign-up \
--region <YOUR_REGION> \
--client-id <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID> \
--username <[email protected]> \
--password <PASSWORD>`
- confirm password
aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up \
--region <YOUR_REGION> \
--user-pool-id <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID>> \
--username <PASSWORD>
Access the application