🔨 CraftAssistant Plugin (Pre-Release) 🔨
A new Path of Exile crafting helper plugin for ExileCore2! This is an early version, so expect some bugs and limited functionality.
Current Features:
- Load and analyze items to see detailed crafting information
- View all possible prefixes and suffixes for your item
- See tier information including iLvl requirements and weights
- Highlights lowest iLvl affixes in red for easy identification
- View all available tiers for each mod with their respective weights and chances
- Save and manage multiple items for comparison
Texture Support:
- Supports both standalone and steam Game versions
- Textures are optional - plugin works fine without them
- To enable textures:
- Compile and run the included ExileCore2TexturesHandler.exe
- More info on how to use it can be found in the plugin settings, tab Textures
The project that generates the Textures Handler executable is included in the repository if you prefer compiling it yourself.
Important Notes:
- This is a pre-release version - bugs are expected
- Crafting simulation features are still in development
- Currently best used as an item analysis tool
- Please report any bugs or issues you encounter
Coming Soon:
- Crafting simulation
- More detailed mod analysis
- Better UI/UX improvements
- @Sugawolf for providing the data scrapper