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Getting Started


Implementation of notification microservice for the Pixup application. The notification will be created for the following event:

  • User Register

The following scripts are provided for the MongoDB database/collections creation:

  • notificaciondb_creation.js
  • tipo_notificacion_collection.js


Creating the image

This image is based on arm64/jdk-17 for Mac OS.

The complete specification of the image that contains the application is in the Dockerfile

Building the image.

Build the image using docker or podman, below the commands for using podman. More information on how to use it here. The first version for a standard is frequently used 1.0.


Don't forget to use your Hub's account to tag the image, because when pushing the image to the hub, the account is where it will be located.

podman build -t cafaray/notificaciones:1.0 .

The result should look like this:

STEP 1/5: FROM arm64v8/openjdk:17-ea-16-jdk
Resolving "arm64v8/openjdk" using unqualified-search registries (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/999-podman-machine.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:b6dca14b5f712b9838f1798b495bc206c95391b9a04a886db5faf8e27b4d1e45
Copying blob sha256:7da3223bdf8ee9e05ea4db775be9cb26ab65169aba0ba04ec2c3e0fa7331f0a2
Copying blob sha256:1e536b6ea357fbefc427ef10b23569012130790959e996d73efed97a345522cf
Copying config sha256:77619a1cc68adf7af4e40f98a53c836b5b5a69234ac4e37734edae226eef5b4d
Writing manifest to image destination
STEP 2/5: WORKDIR /app
--> 48428e23173f
STEP 3/5: COPY target/notificacion-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /app/app.jar
--> 58d4fa33e1ad
STEP 4/5: EXPOSE 8081
--> c42cf2f4bf01
STEP 5/5: CMD ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
COMMIT notificaciones:1.0
--> 259d6b3b92c2
Successfully tagged cafaray/notificaciones:1.0

Running the application

Run the application image into a container in podman, use the next command:

podman run -p 8081:8081 cafaray/notificaciones:1.0

The expected output after the previous command looks like this:

Image running in a container over podman


Publish the image in a docker hub account using the next command.


If you are not logged in to the hub, use the login command: podman login -u {myuser} then type the password.

podman push cafaray/notificaciones:1.0

Tasks & Pipelines

This project use Tekton as CI/CD tool. Common commands used for the automatism:

Git clone repository

tkn task start git-clone \
--param=url= \
--param=deleteExisting="true" \
--workspace=name=output,claimName=shared-workspace \

List directory

tkn task start list-directory \
--workspace=name=directory,claimName=shared-workspace \

Build source code

tkn task start maven \
--param=GOALS="-B,-DskipTests,clean,package" \
--workspace=name=source,claimName=shared-workspace \
--workspace=name=maven-settings,config=maven-settings \

Para los proyectos Java que usen el JDK 17, recomendamos hacer uso de esta imagen maven que te permitirá llevar a cabo la compilación, tendrás que proporcionar el párametro MAVEN_IMAGE con el siguiente valor:

Build image

tkn task start buildah \
--param=IMAGE="" \
--param=TLSVERIFY="false" \
--workspace=name=source,claimName=shared-workspace \
--serviceaccount=tekton-pipeline \


tkn task start kubernetes-actions \
--param=script="kubectl apply -f; kubectl get deployment;" \
--workspace=name=kubeconfig-dir,emptyDir=  \
--workspace=name=manifest-dir,emptyDir= \
--serviceaccount=tekton-pipeline \

Integrated pipeline

tkn pipeline start pipeline-git-clone-build-push-deploy \
-s tekton-pipeline \
--param=repo-url= \
--param=tag-name=main \
--param=deployment-manifest= \
--workspace=name=workspace,claimName=shared-workspace \
--workspace=name=maven-settings,config=maven-settings \

For more details in the use of tekton in the project, visit manifest section.


dev branch for validate before pre-prod envviroment.

Execute the next curl command to validate the deploy of the service.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8081/api/notificaciones/usuario' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "idUsuario": "64f76d1d08199c722d6bc041",
    "email": "[email protected]"

The expected result should looks like:

    "id": "65172566daeae0673186f249",
    "fechaNotificacion": "2023-09-29T13:28:38.327-06:00",
    "idUsuario": "64f76d1d08199c722d6bc041",
    "email": "[email protected]"

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:


Project used for "Diplomado DGTIC - Despliegue Multi-Cloud"






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  • Java 89.1%
  • Shell 4.7%
  • JavaScript 4.0%
  • Dockerfile 2.2%