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This repo is a test repo


Proof of concept of a CI-CD env integrated with github pages and camptocamp prod/demo servers

[x] When a commit is made on {branch-name} branch

  1. a build must be run and deployed on{branch-name}/#/
  2. Other build musts be preserved
  3. if is gh-pages, do nothing
  4. if is master, build must also be available on No, it may need two builds, as branch name must be in URL. Too heavy, skip.
  5. set a pages with available builds list on root page

[ ] When a commit is made on master

  1. a build must be run and deployed on demo server
  2. .po file must be pushed to transifex

[ ] When a release is done on github

  • a git log must be added in release description : git log --pretty=oneline v7.0.6..HEAD --no-merges
  • a docker image must be pushed to docker hub
    • it's actually done, but with an overkill : any commit on any branch push an image. We may improve this, at least by limiting it to commits made on master

[ ] When an image linked to a relese is ready on docker hub

  • production server must be updated with this image
  • a message must be sent on camptocamp forum

[ ] Once a day

  • messages:compile must be run
  • For each lang with new messages, a PR must be created : translations-{lang}


1. When a commit is made on {branch-name} :

Deploy on<branch-name>/#/

In vue.config.js, get the deployed branch name, and append it to public path :

  config.branchName = process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH;
  // github pages urls are postfixed
  result.publicPath = `/CI-CD-test/${config.branchName}/`;

Then use a custom deploy script, run on all branches (gh-pages is automaticly excluded) :


# deploy to github pages on master
  provider: script
  skip-cleanup: true
  script: bash scripts/
  verbose: true
    all_branches: true

bash scripts/

# clone repository on gh-pages branch. Save it in gh-pages folder 
git clone --single-branch --branch=gh-pages https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git gh-pages

# move build into gh-pages folder, under a new folder with <branch-name> as name
rm -rf gh-pages/$TRAVIS_BRANCH
mv dist gh-pages/$TRAVIS_BRANCH

# Add this folder into gh-pages branch, commit and push
cd gh-pages
git add .
git commit -m "Deploy $TRAVIS_BRANCH branch"
git push > /dev/null 2>&1

Notice the > /dev/null 2>&1 on the end! If push fails for any reason, it prevents any unwanted sensitive information to be recorded in the travis logs.

Other build musts be preserved

The key point is that we clone full gh-pages branch, and add our build into it. Standard travis script does not preserve precendents files, so we must use a custom script

Set a page with available builds list on root page

See index.html

When a commit is made on master


When a release is done on github

a git log must be added in release description


- bash scripts/


Check if tavis job is related to a tag, get last two tags, and call js script

# if it's a tag, add commit logs
if [ $TRAVIS_TAG ]; then
    firstTag=$(git tag | sort -r | head -1)
    secondTag=$(git tag | sort -r | head -2 | awk '{split($0, tags, "\n")} END {print tags[1]}')
    git log  --pretty=oneline ${secondTag}..${firstTag} --no-merges | node scripts/update-release-description.js


/* eslint-disable no-console */

const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');

const repoSlug = process.env.TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG;
const tagName = process.env.TRAVIS_TAG;
const githubUsername = process.env.GITHUB_USERNAME;
const githubToken = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN;

const gitLog = fs.readFileSync('/dev/stdin', 'utf-8');
console.log(`git log : \n${gitLog}`);

console.log(`getting release data on${repoSlug}/releases/tags/${tagName}`);

  .then((response) => {
    const data =;
    const releaseUrl = data.url;

    const payload = {
      'tag_name': data.tag_name,
      'target_commitish': data.target_commitish,
      'body': gitLog,
      'draft': data.draft,
      'prerelease': data.prerelease

    console.log('Update release data');

    axios.patch(releaseUrl, payload, {
      auth: {
        username: githubUsername,
        password: githubToken
      .then(() => {
        console.log('Release is updated');
      .catch(() => {
        console.log('Unexpected error. Ouput has been disabled on purpose for security reasons');
  .catch(() => {
    console.log('Unexpected error. Ouput has been disabled on purpose for security reasons');