This is the first version of buzz.
Here's a quick summary of buzz features as of this release:
- strong type system
- null safety
- "error safety": much like zig, function signatures must specify which errors can be raised and error must be handled
- objects (struct-like, no inheritance)
- anonymous objects
- protocols
- enums
- lists and maps
- fibers (coroutines)
- userdata (pointer to foreign data wrapped in a buzz value)
- first-class citizen functions
- arrow functions
- generics
- pcre regex
- zig/c interop
- syntax highlighting via vs code extension or by using the TextMate grammar file
- minimal std lib: buffer, fs, io, os, math, gc, debug
You are all welcome to play with buzz and report any issue you encounter.
Please read the README for build instructions and a tour of the language. Documentation for the standard library of the language can be found here.
You'll find binaries for macOS-x86 below. Although I recommend building buzz yourself right now.