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Usenet packing and posting scripts

The scripts were written for bash and tested on Ubuntu 22.04. The package managment was also added for Alpine and RHEL linux distros. If running on Alpine, make sure you switch to bash before running any of the scripts.


  • Randomize the filenames and passwords for the rar files.
  • Randomize the uploader's name and email (optional).
  • Support packing and posting of multiple folders/subfolders.
  • Support embedding the rar password into the nzbs.
  • Can choose par2cmdline or parpar for par2 creation. parpar is recommended for its efficiency and speed.
  • Multi linux distros support (tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and Centos 7).


Clone this repository and run the installer. sudo access may be needed, unless the required binaries (automake git zip wget) are already installed on the system. Dependencies and several tools will be downloaded, installed and/or compiled, then the cloned dir will be added to the PATH. Relogin for changes to take effect.

git clone
cd usenet-scripts
chmod +x *.sh

A config folder will be created with a config.env file and a nyuu-provider.json.
Edit both files before proceeding.
Rename nyuu-provider.json by replacing the "provider" string with your usenet provider name.
If you have multiple providers, copy/paste and edit the nyuu-provider.json template accordingly.
For security, make sure the json files have chmod 600 permissions. For example:


The and scripts are self-explanatory. For help, run them by themselves or with -h. I recommend to run both scripts in a screen or tmux session, to avoid interruptions especially if processing big folders, e.g. screen -S packing_session

Usage: -i <input dir> -o <output dir> -p <pack dir (optional)> -t <threads (optional)>
Escape special characters in names if necessary, e.g. brackets: \[testdirectory\]
Use double quotes if the directory has spaces, e.g. "This is a test directory"
  -h              - This help.

  Mandatory parameters:
  -i <input dir>  - Input directory or file to pack. Can be a pathname.
  -o <output dir> - Output directory where the packed files will be written.
                    Do NOT use a pathname here, just a dirname.
  Optional parameters:
  -d <disc>       - For packing multiple discs separately, pass each disc's folder with -d
                    e.g. -d 'disc 1' -d 'disc 2' -d 'disc 3'
  -p <pack dir>   - Packing directory where the project (packed files, txt, nzbs) will be stored
                    (default '<current dir>/packing').
  -t <threads>    - CPU threads (default = maximum threads).
Usage: -p <usenet provider> -i <input dir to upload>
Escape special characters in names if necessary, e.g. brackets: \[testdirectory\]
Use double quotes if the directory has spaces, e.g. "This is a test directory"
  -h                 - This help.
  Mandatory parameters:
  -p <provider>      - Usenet provider name, e.g. blocknews, eweka, newshosting.
  -i <input dir>     - Directory to upload containing the rar/par2 files.
                       Can be a relative or full pathname, and can be passed multiple times.
                       e.g. -i disc1 -i disc2 -i disc3 -i /path/to/disc4 will rar a folder or single file, then create par2 files. will post to usenet using nyuu ( It's fast and well maintained.

Usage examples

For the provider blocknews, create the json file config/nyuu-blocknews.json and edit it.

  • Pack a folder, can use relative or full pathnames for the input folder. The output folder (-o switch) should NOT be a pathname. If you want the packed output folder to be stored in a different location, use the -p switch. The double quotes are only needed if dirnames have spaces. -i "Test folder to pack" -o "Release folder" -i "/home/user/Test folder to pack" -o "Release folder" -i "/home/user/Test folder to pack" -o "Release folder" -p "/home/user/tmp/New workdir"\

  • Upload to usenet, can use relative or full pathnames. -p blocknews -i "Release folder" -e true -p blocknews -i "/home/user/packing/Release folder" -e true -p blocknews -i "/home/user/packing/Release folder-disc1" -i "/home/user/packing/Release folder-disc2" -e true will create a first nzb file for the rars/par2 files, and a second nzb of the first nzb, which will be posted as file 0 in the subject.
    e.g subject="Release folder - &quot;6SEWEmEw2dq5vexdDQxV.nzb&quot; [0/9] (1/1)"


Usenet packing and posting scripts






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