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hyperparameters in prior
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adamwang15 committed Jun 17, 2024
1 parent 9f313be commit 8fc1b68
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Showing 11 changed files with 238 additions and 305 deletions.
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions R/RcppExports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ niw_cpp <- function(Y, X, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_niw_cpp`, Y, X, prior)

update_prior <- function(p, hyper, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_update_prior`, p, hyper, prior)
mn_prior <- function(p, lambda, psi) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_mn_prior`, p, lambda, psi)

extend_dummy <- function(p, hyper, Y, X) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_extend_dummy`, p, hyper, Y, X)
update_prior <- function(p, hyper, model, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_update_prior`, p, hyper, model, prior)

extend_dummy <- function(p, hyper, model, Y, X) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_extend_dummy`, p, hyper, model, Y, X)

log_dgamma <- function(x, k, theta) {
Expand All @@ -29,8 +33,8 @@ log_dinvgamma <- function(x, alpha, beta) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_dinvgamma`, x, alpha, beta)

log_prior_hyper <- function(hyper, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_prior_hyper`, hyper, prior)
log_prior_hyper <- function(hyper, model, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_prior_hyper`, hyper, model, prior)

log_mvgamma <- function(n, x) {
Expand All @@ -41,16 +45,12 @@ log_ml <- function(p, b, Omega, Psi, d, inv_Omega, Y, X) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_ml`, p, b, Omega, Psi, d, inv_Omega, Y, X)

log_ml_dummy <- function(p, hyper, Y, X, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_ml_dummy`, p, hyper, Y, X, prior)

log_posterior_hyper <- function(p, hyper, Y, X, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_posterior_hyper`, p, hyper, Y, X, prior)
log_ml_dummy <- function(p, hyper, model, Y, X, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_ml_dummy`, p, hyper, model, Y, X, prior)

sample_hyper <- function(S, p, c, Y, X, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_sample_hyper`, S, p, c, Y, X, prior)
log_posterior_hyper <- function(p, hyper, model, Y, X, prior) {
.Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_log_posterior_hyper`, p, hyper, model, Y, X, prior)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/estimate.BSVARSIGN.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ estimate.BSVARSIGN <- function(specification, S, thin = 1, show_progress = TRUE)
data_matrices$Y, data_matrices$X, identification$VB,
identification$sign_irf, identification$sign_narrative,
identification$sign_B, identification$zero_irf,
prior, starting_values, thin, show_progress, max_tries)
prior, starting_values, show_progress, thin, max_tries)

output = specify_posterior_bsvarSIGN$new(specification, qqq$posterior)
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100 changes: 0 additions & 100 deletions R/sample_hyper.R

This file was deleted.

41 changes: 18 additions & 23 deletions R/specify_bsvarSIGN.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,21 +124,12 @@ specify_prior_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(

public = list(
#' @field hyper a \code{(N+3)xS} matrix of posterior draws of hyperparameters.
hyper = matrix(),

#' @field B an \code{KxN} matrix, the mean of the normal prior distribution for the parameter matrix \eqn{B}.
B = matrix(),

#' @field V a \code{KxK} covariance matrix of the normal prior distribution for each of
#' the column of the parameter matrix \eqn{B}. This covariance matrix is equation invariant.
V = matrix(),

#' @field S an \code{NxN} scale matrix of the inverse-Wishart prior distribution
#' for the covariance matrix \eqn{\Sigma}. This scale matrix is equation invariant.
S = matrix(),

#' @field nu a positive real number greater of equal than \code{N}, a degree of freedom parameter
#' of the inverse-Wishart prior distribution for the covariance matrix \eqn{\Sigma}.
nu = NA,
#' @field model a \code{4x1} vector of Boolean values indicating prior specifications,
#' model[1] = dummy soc, model[2] = dummy sur, model[3] = mn lambda, model[4] = mn psi.
model = c(),

#' @description
#' Create a new prior specification PriorBSVAR.
Expand All @@ -162,11 +153,17 @@ specify_prior_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
stopifnot("Argument d must be a non-negative integer number." = d >= 0 & d %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot("Argument stationary must be a logical vector of length N." = length(stationary) == N & is.logical(stationary))

prior = niw_prior(data, p, !stationary)
self$B = prior$B
self$V = prior$V
self$S = prior$S
self$nu = prior$nu
Y = data
T = nrow(Y)
lambda = 0.2
psi = sapply(1:N, \(i) summary(lm(Y[2:T, i] ~ Y[1:(T - 1), i]))$sigma^2)

hyper = matrix(NA, N + 3, 1)
hyper[3, ] = lambda
hyper[4:(N + 3), ] = psi

self$model = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
self$hyper = hyper

}, # END initialize

Expand All @@ -180,10 +177,8 @@ specify_prior_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
get_prior = function(){
B = self$B,
V = self$V,
S = self$S,
nu = self$nu
model = self$model,
hyper = self$hyper
} # END get_prior

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/utils.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ importance_sampling <- function(posterior) {

posterior$posterior$A = posterior$posterior$A[, , indices]
posterior$posterior$B = posterior$posterior$B[, , indices]
posterior$posterior$hyper = posterior$posterior$hyper[, , indices]
posterior$posterior$hyper = posterior$posterior$hyper[, indices]
posterior$posterior$Q = posterior$posterior$Q[, , indices]
posterior$posterior$Sigma = posterior$posterior$Sigma[, , indices]
posterior$posterior$Theta0 = posterior$posterior$Theta0[, , indices]
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions inst/include/bsvarSIGNs_RcppExports.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,17 +88,17 @@ namespace bsvarSIGNs {
return Rcpp::as<arma::field<arma::cube> >(rcpp_result_gen);

inline Rcpp::List bsvar_sign_cpp(const int& S, const int& lags, const arma::mat& Y, const arma::mat& X, const arma::field<arma::mat>& VB, const arma::cube& sign_irf, const arma::mat& sign_narrative, const arma::mat& sign_B, const arma::field<arma::mat>& Z, const Rcpp::List& prior, const Rcpp::List& starting_values, const int thin = 100, const bool show_progress = true, const int& max_tries = 10000) {
inline Rcpp::List bsvar_sign_cpp(const int& S, const int& lags, const arma::mat& Y, const arma::mat& X, const arma::field<arma::mat>& VB, const arma::cube& sign_irf, const arma::mat& sign_narrative, const arma::mat& sign_B, const arma::field<arma::mat>& Z, const Rcpp::List& prior, const Rcpp::List& starting_values, const bool show_progress = true, const int thin = 100, const int& max_tries = 10000) {
static Ptr_bsvar_sign_cpp p_bsvar_sign_cpp = NULL;
if (p_bsvar_sign_cpp == NULL) {
validateSignature("Rcpp::List(*bsvar_sign_cpp)(const int&,const int&,const arma::mat&,const arma::mat&,const arma::field<arma::mat>&,const arma::cube&,const arma::mat&,const arma::mat&,const arma::field<arma::mat>&,const Rcpp::List&,const Rcpp::List&,const int,const bool,const int&)");
validateSignature("Rcpp::List(*bsvar_sign_cpp)(const int&,const int&,const arma::mat&,const arma::mat&,const arma::field<arma::mat>&,const arma::cube&,const arma::mat&,const arma::mat&,const arma::field<arma::mat>&,const Rcpp::List&,const Rcpp::List&,const bool,const int,const int&)");
p_bsvar_sign_cpp = (Ptr_bsvar_sign_cpp)R_GetCCallable("bsvarSIGNs", "_bsvarSIGNs_bsvar_sign_cpp");
RObject rcpp_result_gen;
RNGScope RCPP_rngScope_gen;
rcpp_result_gen = p_bsvar_sign_cpp(Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(S)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(lags)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(Y)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(X)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(VB)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(sign_irf)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(sign_narrative)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(sign_B)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(Z)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(prior)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(starting_values)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(thin)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(show_progress)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(max_tries)));
rcpp_result_gen = p_bsvar_sign_cpp(Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(S)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(lags)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(Y)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(X)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(VB)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(sign_irf)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(sign_narrative)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(sign_B)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(Z)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(prior)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(starting_values)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(show_progress)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(thin)), Shield<SEXP>(Rcpp::wrap(max_tries)));
if (rcpp_result_gen.inherits("interrupted-error"))
throw Rcpp::internal::InterruptedException();
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