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update narrative restrictions #31
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adamwang15 committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent fd0adbe commit 327ccd4
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Showing 6 changed files with 105 additions and 136 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ S3method(estimate,BSVARSIGN)
Expand Down
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions R/estimate.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,8 +109,23 @@ estimate.BSVARSIGN = function(specification, S, thin = 1, show_progress = TRUE)
Z = get_Z(identification$sign_irf)
sign = identification$sign_irf
sign[] = 0
narrative = identification$sign_narrative
narrative[, 5] = narrative[, 5] - p

n_narratives = length(identification$sign_narrative)
get_type = list("S" = 1, "A" = 2, "B" = 3)
if (n_narratives > 0) {
narrative = matrix(NA, n_narratives, 6)
for (i in 1:n_narratives) {
narrative_list = identification$sign_narrative[[i]]
narrative[i, 1] = get_type[[narrative_list$type]]
narrative[i, 2] = narrative_list$sign
narrative[i, 3] = narrative_list$var
narrative[i, 4] = narrative_list$shock
narrative[i, 5] = narrative_list$start - p
narrative[i, 6] = narrative_list$periods - 1
} else {
narrative = t(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
rel = identification$sign_relation
rel[] = 0

Expand Down
144 changes: 61 additions & 83 deletions R/specify.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,49 @@

#' vector specifying one narrative restriction
#' @description
#' The class narrative specifies a single narrative restriction.
#' @examples
#' # a prior for 5-variable example with one lag
#' specify_narrative(start = 166, periods = 1, type = "S", sign = 1, shock = 1, var = 6)
#' @export
specify_narrative = function(start, periods = 1, type = "S", sign = 1, shock = 1, var = NA) {

if (start %% 1 != 0 || start <= 0) {
stop("start must be a positive integer")
if (periods %% 1 != 0 || periods <= 0) {
stop("periods must be a positive integer")
if (!(type %in% c("S", "A", "B"))) {
stop("type must be one of 'S', 'A', 'B'")
if (!(sign %in% c(-1, 1))) {
stop("sign must be one of -1, 1")
if (shock %% 1 != 0 || shock <= 0) {
stop("shock must be a positive integer")
if (! {
if (var %% 1 != 0 || var <= 0) {
stop("var must be a positive integer")

narrative = list(
start = start,
periods = periods,
type = type,
sign = sign,
shock = shock,
var = var
class(narrative) = "narrative"

# construct Z_j matrices
get_Z = function(sign_irf) {
h = dim(sign_irf)[3]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,41 +93,22 @@ verify_traditional = function(N, A) {

# verify if narrative sign restriciton matrix is valid, i.e.
# 1. has 6 columns
# 2. each column satisfies its definition
verify_narrative = function(N, A) {
if (!(is.matrix(A) && dim(A)[2] == 6)) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix does not have exactly 6 columns.")
if (!(all(A[,1] %in% c(0, 1, 2, 3)))) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix column 1 (type) has entries that are not in {0, 1, 2, 3}.")
if (!(all(A[,2] %in% c(-1, 1)))) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix column 2 (sign) has entries that are not in {-1, 1}.")
if (!(all(A[,3] %in% c(1:N, NA)))) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix column 3 (var_i) has entries that are not in 1:N.")
if (!(all(A[,4] %in% 1:N))) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix column 4 (shock_j) has entries that are not in 1:N.")
if (!(all(A[,5] == floor(A[,5])))) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix column 5 (start_t) has entries that are not in 1:T.")
if (!(all(A[,6] == floor(A[,6])))) {
stop("Narrative sign restriction matrix column 6 (horizons_h) has entries that are not in 1:(T-start).")

# verify all restrictions
verify_all = function(N, sign_irf, sign_narrative, sign_relation) {
verify_traditional(N, sign_relation)
if (any(sign_relation[!] == 0)) {
stop("Zero restrictions are not allowed for sign_relation")

verify_narrative(N, sign_narrative)
if (!is.list(sign_narrative)) {
stop("sign_narrative must be a list")
} else if (length(sign_narrative) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(sign_narrative)) {
if (!inherits(sign_narrative[[i]], "narrative")) {
stop("Each element of sign_narrative must be of class 'narrative'")

for (h in 1:dim(sign_irf)[3]) {
verify_traditional(N, sign_irf[,,h])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,23 +469,7 @@ specify_identification_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
#' 0 for zero restrictions and NA for no restrictions,
#' the \code{h}-th slice \code{NxN} matrix contains the
#' restrictions on the \code{h-1} horizon.
#' @param sign_narrative a \code{ANYx6} matrix of narrative sign restrictions,
#' each row of the matrix corresponds to a different restriction,
#' columns are (type, sign, var_i, shock_j, start_t, horizons_h) with detailed definitions: \cr\cr
#' Column 1 (type):
#' 0 if no restriction;
#' 1 if restriction on structural shock;
#' 2 if type A restriction on historical decomposition
#' i.e. historical decomposition of shock_j on var_i is greater (less) than 0;
#' 3 if type B restriction on historical decomposition
#' i.e. historical decomposition of shock_j on var_i is the largest (smallest); \cr
#' Column 2 (sign): depending on type, 1 if greater/largest, -1 if less/smallest. \cr
#' Column 3 (var_i): an integer in 1:N (or NA when type = 0), index of the restricted variable. \cr
#' Column 4 (shock_j): an integer in 1:N, index of the restricted shock. \cr
#' Column 5 (start_t): an integer in 1:T, starting period of the restriction; \cr
#' Column 6 (horizons_h): an integer in 1:(T-start_t), number horizons of the restriction,
#' if start=t and horizons=h the restriction in on periods t to t+h,
#' e.g. when h=0 the restriction in only placed on period t.
#' @param sign_narrative a list of objects of class "narrative" - narrative sign restrictions.
#' @param sign_relation a \code{NxN} matrix with entries ±1 or NA - sign restrictions on the
#' contemporaneous relations \code{B} between reduced-form errors \code{E} and
#' structural shocks \code{U} where \code{BE=U}.
Expand All @@ -475,7 +485,7 @@ specify_identification_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
missing_all = FALSE
if (missing(sign_narrative)) {
sign_narrative = matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 6, nrow = 1)
sign_narrative = list()
} else {
missing_all = FALSE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -512,7 +522,7 @@ specify_identification_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
VB = as.list(self$VB),
sign_irf = as.array(self$sign_irf),
sign_narrative = as.matrix(self$sign_narrative),
sign_narrative = self$sign_narrative,
sign_relation = as.matrix(self$sign_relation),
max_tries = self$max_tries
Expand All @@ -526,23 +536,7 @@ specify_identification_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
#' 0 for zero restrictions and NA for no restrictions,
#' the \code{h}-th slice \code{NxN} matrix contains the
#' restrictions on the \code{h-1} horizon.
#' @param sign_narrative a \code{ANYx6} matrix of narrative sign restrictions,
#' each row of the matrix corresponds to a different restriction,
#' columns are (type, sign, var_i, shock_j, start_t, horizons_h) with detailed definitions: \cr\cr
#' Column 1 (type):
#' 0 if no restriction;
#' 1 if restriction on structural shock;
#' 2 if type A restriction on historical decomposition
#' i.e. historical decomposition of shock_j on var_i is greater (less) than 0;
#' 3 if type B restriction on historical decomposition
#' i.e. historical decomposition of shock_j on var_i is the largest (smallest); \cr
#' Column 2 (sign): depending on type, 1 if greater/largest, -1 if less/smallest. \cr
#' Column 3 (var_i): an integer in 1:N (or NA when type = 0), index of the restricted variable. \cr
#' Column 4 (shock_j): an integer in 1:N, index of the restricted shock. \cr
#' Column 5 (start_t): an integer in 1:T, starting period of the restriction; \cr
#' Column 6 (horizons_h): an integer in 1:(T-start_t), number horizons of the restriction,
#' if start=t and horizons=h the restriction in on periods t to t+h,
#' e.g. when h=0 the restriction in only placed on period t.
#' @param sign_narrative a list of objects of class "narrative" - narrative sign restrictions.
#' @param sign_relation a \code{NxN} matrix with entries ±1 or NA - sign restrictions on the
#' contemporaneous relations \code{B} between reduced-form errors \code{E} and
#' structural shocks \code{U} where \code{BE=U}.
Expand All @@ -564,7 +558,7 @@ specify_identification_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
missing_all = FALSE
if (missing(sign_narrative)) {
sign_narrative = matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 6, nrow = 1)
sign_narrative = list()
} else {
missing_all = FALSE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,23 +627,7 @@ specify_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
#' 0 for zero restrictions and NA for no restrictions,
#' the \code{h}-th slice \code{NxN} matrix contains the
#' restrictions on the \code{h-1} horizon.
#' @param sign_narrative a \code{ANYx6} matrix of narrative sign restrictions,
#' each row of the matrix corresponds to a different restriction,
#' columns are (type, sign, var_i, shock_j, start_t, horizons_h) with detailed definitions: \cr\cr
#' Column 1 (type):
#' 0 if no restriction;
#' 1 if restriction on structural shock;
#' 2 if type A restriction on historical decomposition
#' i.e. historical decomposition of shock_j on var_i is greater (less) than 0;
#' 3 if type B restriction on historical decomposition
#' i.e. historical decomposition of shock_j on var_i is the largest (smallest); \cr
#' Column 2 (sign): depending on type, 1 if greater/largest, -1 if less/smallest. \cr
#' Column 3 (var_i): an integer in 1:N (or NA when type = 0), index of the restricted variable. \cr
#' Column 4 (shock_j): an integer in 1:N, index of the restricted shock. \cr
#' Column 5 (start_t): an integer in 1:T, starting period of the restriction; \cr
#' Column 6 (horizons_h): an integer in 1:(T-start_t), number horizons of the restriction,
#' if start=t and horizons=h the restriction in on periods t to t+h,
#' e.g. when h=0 the restriction in only placed on period t.
#' @param sign_narrative a list of objects of class "narrative" - narrative sign restrictions.
#' @param sign_relation a \code{NxN} matrix with entries ±1 or NA - sign restrictions on the
#' contemporaneous relations \code{B} between reduced-form errors \code{E} and
#' structural shocks \code{U} where \code{BE=U}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,7 +666,7 @@ specify_bsvarSIGN = R6::R6Class(
missing_all = FALSE
if (missing(sign_narrative)) {
sign_narrative = matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 6, nrow = 1)
sign_narrative = list()
} else {
missing_all = FALSE
Expand Down
18 changes: 1 addition & 17 deletions man/specify_bsvarSIGN.Rd

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36 changes: 2 additions & 34 deletions man/specify_identification_bsvarSIGN.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions man/specify_narrative.Rd

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