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Backend API Documentation

Thomas edited this page Nov 18, 2019 · 36 revisions

Table of Contents

Response Format

All responses use JSON formatting and take the following form:

	"message": "Description of what happened",
	"data": "Mixed type holding the content of the response"


Note that all further response definitions will only include the value of the data field.

Data Structures


All attributes are required unless otherwise specified.

Attribute Description
id string (hash key)
Unique identifier for this recipe.
name string
Name of this recipe.
difficulty string
Indicates how challenging this recipe is: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert.
author string (optional)
Name of the recipe author.
source string (optional)
Where this recipe came from.
length integer (system field)
Total number of seconds to complete the recipe from start to finish. Automatically updated by the app when steps are added, modified, or removed.
date_added string (system field)
The timezone-less UTC timestamp (ISO 8601) when this recipe was added to the database.
start_time string (optional)
The timezone-less UTC timestamp (ISO 8601) of the most recent start time for this recipe. Defaults to date_added if not provided.
steps list (optional)
List of Step objects. Defaults to an empty list.

Recipe Example

	"id": "123456.789",
	"name": "First Example Recipe",
	"difficulty": "Beginner",
	"author": "Unnamed technical writer",
	"source": "Grandmother's recipe cards",
	"length": 0,
	"date_added": "2019-10-17 21:02:00.000000Z",
	"start_time": "2019-10-19 10:30:00.000000Z",
	"steps": []


All attributes are required unless otherwise specified.

Attribute Description
number integer
Step number, used as the unique identifier for each step within a recipe. These are user-provided and should be sequential.
text string
Brief summary of the step
then_wait integer
Once this step is complete, wait this long (in seconds) before starting the next step
note string (optional)
Additional notes/directions for this step

Step Example

	"number": 1,
	"text": "Combine ingredients in a large bowl",
	"then_wait": 0,
	"note": "Do not over-mix!"


Get the API documentation

GET / or GET /api

Returns the API documentation with basic HTML markup.

Get the README

GET /readme

Returns the file for this project with basic HTML markup.

Get data for all recipes

GET /recipes

Returns a list of all recipes, including their embedded steps. If no recipes exist, the endpoint returns an empty list.


Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.

Example Response

		"id": "1560122081.000008",
		"name": "Country Sourdough: Pain de Campagne",
		"difficulty": "Advanced",
		"author": "Ken Forkish",
		"source": "Flour Water Salt Yeast",
		"length": 97200,
		"date_added": "2019-02-15 17:00:00.000000Z",
		"start_time": "2019-06-11 10:55:08.000000Z",
		"steps": [
					"number": 1,
					"text": "Revive stored levain",
					"then_wait": 72000,
					"note": "12 to 24 hours, if necessary."
					"number": 2,
					"text": "Feed the levain",
					"then_wait": 25200,
					"note": "6 to 8 hours."
		"id": "987654.321",
		"name": "Second Bread Example",
		"difficulty": "Intermediate",
		"author": "Unnamed technical writer",
		"source": "Mom",
		"length": 0,
		"date_added": "2019-10-17 21:02:00.000000Z",
		"start_time": "2019-10-19 10:30:00.000000Z",
		"steps": []

Add a new recipe

POST /recipes

Adds a new recipe to the database. Returns the newly-created recipe.


  • Any values provided for id, date_added, or length are ignored
  • It's recommended to create a step-free recipe first, then add steps later


Code Title Description
201 Created The resource was successfully created.
422 Validation Error A validation error occurred.

Example Request

	"name": "Paratha",
	"difficulty": "Beginner",
	"source": ""

Example Response

	"id": "1573953898.030828",
        "name": "Paratha",
	"difficulty": "Beginner",
	"source": "",
        "length": 0,
        "date_added": "2019-11-16 17:24:58.030849Z",
        "start_time": "2019-11-16 17:24:58.030849Z",
        "steps": []

Get data for a single recipe

GET /recipes/<recipe_id>

Returns a single recipe object, including any embedded steps.

param Description
recipe_id string (required)
Unique identifier for this recipe.


Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.
404 Not Found The specified recipe was not found.

Example Request

GET /recipes/123456.789

Example Response

	"id": "123456.789",
	"name": "First Example Recipe",
	"difficulty": "Beginner",
	"author": "Unnamed technical writer",
	"source": "Grandmother's recipe cards",
	"length": 0,
	"date_added": "2019-10-17 21:02:00.000000Z",
	"start_time": "2019-10-19 10:30:00.000000Z",
	"steps": []

Update an existing recipe

PUT /recipes/<recipe_id>

Modifies data of the specified recipe. Returns the recipe updated.

param Description
recipe_id string (required)
Unique identifier for this recipe.


Updates are permitted for the following recipe attributes:



Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.
404 Not Found The specified recipe was not found.
422 Validation Error Validation failure on one (or more) fields.

Example Request

	"id": "1232101001.98765",
	"name": "Flaky South Asian Flatbread (Paratha)",
	"difficulty": "Intermediate"

Delete a recipe

DELETE /recipes/<recipe_id>

Deletes the specified recipe. No value for data is returned by this endpoint.

param Description
recipe_id string (required)
Unique identifier for this recipe.


Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.
404 Not Found The specified recipe was not found.

Add or update a step

PUT /recipes/<recipe_id>/<step_number>

Adds or updates a step to the specified recipe. The response for this PUT request only returns a status.

param Description
recipe_id string (required)
Unique identifier for this recipe.
step_number integer (required)
The step number to add/update.


Code Title Description
201 Created The resource was successfully created.
404 Not Found The specified recipe was not found.
422 Validation Error Validation failure on one (or more) fields.

Example Request

	"recipe_id": "1232101001.98765",
	"number": 4,
	"text": "Fold the dough",
	"then_wait": 900

Get data for a single step

GET /recipes/<id>/<step_number>

Returns a step object.

param Description
recipe_id string (required)
Unique identifier for this recipe.
step_number integer (required)
The step number to return.


Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.
404 Not Found The specified recipe or step was not found.

Example Request

GET /recipes/1560122081.000008/2

Example Response

	"number": 2,
	"text": "Feed the levain",
	"then_wait": 25200,
	"note": "6 to 8 hours."

Delete a step

DELETE /recipes/<recipe_id>/<step_number>

Deletes the step number indicated. Returns a list of the remaining steps for that recipe.

param Description
recipe_id string (required)
Unique identifier for this recipe.
step_number integer (required)
Number of the step to delete.

Paprika Formatting

Get replacements

GET /replacements/<scope>

Returns a collection of replacements used for applying Paprika-compliant formatting.

param Description
scope string (required)
Defines the scope of replacements to return.

Scope options:

  • all -- Returns all records.
  • directions -- Returns only the replacements for use on directions.
  • ingredients -- Returns only the replacements for use on ingredients.


Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.
404 Not Found The specified scope is invalid.

Error Types

Type Description
params_invalid Provided parameter(s) were not valid.
unknown_record Record was not found.
unknown_route URL was not valid.

Example Error Response

	"message": "Validation Error",
	"data": "Step number must be an integer."

HTTP Status Codes

Code Title Description
200 OK The request was successful.
201 Created The resource was successfully created.
404 Not Found The resource does not exist.
422 Validation Error A validation error occurred.
500 Internal Error An error occurred within the API.