DamageTweaks is a lightweight spigot plugin used to change mob damage to players. The basic concept is that there is a damage modifier, this can be set in either the config file (reload required), or by a command in game.
The modifier value is set at -1 or higher. A negative value will decrease mob damage, 0 will leave it at default and positive numbers will increase it.
Config Value | Damage Value |
1 | 2x |
.5 | 1.5X |
.25 | 1.25x |
0 | 1x |
-.25 | .75x |
-.5 | .5x |
-1 | 0x |
Command | Aliases | Permission |
/setdamagemodifier |
/setdm , /sdm |
damagetweaks.setdamagemodifier |