Remotion is a complete end-to-end open source platform for improving qualitative observations for remote usability testings. The system comprises five components.
- The client software library for motion sensing on mobile devices (e.g., Android phones and Surface tablets) enables developers to collect sensing data by simply deploying an application on the participants' phone. 2. The screen projection component captures what the user sees on their screen and projects it to the screen in a software or hardware replay.
- The lightweight server receives and organizes the data collected with Remotion's client and Remotion's screen provides an interface to control the Remotion's software and hardware visualization replay.
- The software visualization displays on the experimenter's screen a replay of what the user sees on their screen and the phone's movements.
- Remotion's hardware (physical) replay replicates the remote user's movement and screen on a one-to-one scale. The robotic mount (with 4-axis degrees of freedom) is offered as blueprints for at-home construction.
Remotion is designed to replicate a mobile device's screen content, movement, and rotation in a remote usability test, especially when the user is stationary (in a sitting or standing position). Five different components deployed together can replicate hand-motion related contextual information that is otherwise not captured in a conventional remote usability testing session.
The Remotion client is the first component of the Remotion platform. It enables collecting mobile sensing data (e.g., gyroscope and accelerometer) and user interaction data (e.g., taps and scrolls) from remote users. The Remotion client records these data in real time and uploads them to the Remotion server upon the completion of the task. The remote user can choose to start, stop, and upload data at will. The client provides the motion-encoded contextual data that can later be revealed to the experimenters.
Current sensor-fusion algorithm is derived from Alexander Pacha's Work
The second component provides additional information about the remote user's screen content to the experimenters. The Remotion screen projection component captures the phone's screen changes and sends it to the Remotion server as a compressed image stream.
The server functions as a hub to organize, configure, and control the Remotion's visualization ends. The Remotion server supports two modes: 1) offline replay and 2) real-time replay. In the offline replay mode, the server loads data from the Remotion client and the Remotion screen projection components described above, relaying them to Remotion's visualization endpoints within a fixed interval of time. The real-time component decodes the incoming data from Remotion's client and screen projection components and forwards them directly to the visualization endpoints.
The Remotion server has a back-end (i.e., Node.js) and a front-end graphical user interface (GUI) for the experimenter to load, re-save, stream the data, and control the visualization playback. The Remotion server is HTML-based; therefore it does not require additional configuration or installation, once the back-end is running. Remotion's interface has been successfully tested on mainstream browsers without functionality or layout issues.
Recreating the remote user's motion is the primary functionality the Remotion platform provides. It allows distant users' hand movement data to be presented to the experimenters. Remotion's software visualization projects the mobile device motions and renders live video and audio content on the experimenter's computer screen. The Remotion software visualization contains a 3D model of a mobile phone and a virtual screen showing the video stream. During a replay, the 3D phone model's and the virtual screen's orientations are updated from on incoming data.
The accuracy of motion replay is ensured with a sensor fusion algorithm package that calculates quaternion rotation. The use of quaternion rotations avoids "dead zones," where the visualized results may be incorrect. Without using sensor fusion, repeated mobile device movements and fast changes in its orientation will render the raw data visualization drastically drifted and may not reflect its true orientation.
Remotion Hardware visualization is a fully customizable and low-cost Arduino-controlled robotic mount for motion visualization. Its main component consists of a circuit-board, three motors, a 3D-printed mounting system, and a track. When the experimenter mounts a mobile device to the Remotion hardware, it is able to render the motion data and screen content in the experimenter's physical space. Unlike its software counterpart, the physical visualization offers a one-to-one scale motion playback (i.e., replicating the degree of movement, the form of a physical phone, and the contents of the screen mirror the user's screen). This physicality further enables an understanding of the spatial depth and a more naturalistic way of observation.
Remotion's hardware visualization uses the same sensor fusion algorithm with the software counterpart to ensure consistency. On occasion, Remotion needs to swap the x and y-axis in the visualization to make the motion seamless. This is not the case with the Remotion's software visualization since its rotation is quaternion-based. The Remotion's hardware visualization uses Euler angles to rotate the device. Once the user rotates the phone from portrait to landscape, Remotion automatically swaps the x and y-axis to match the visualization.
Use Android Studio to build Remotion Client and Remotion Screen Projection. Both apps are required on the remote client side. The screen recording will be saved at the /storage/emulated/0/, with "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" as file name, and the motion logs will be saved at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.bhi.sfClient/cache/ with similar file formatting.
Servo Arm Horn Metal Aluminum 25t Silvery
For Arduino Code, please check out the ArduinoCodes Folder. The Arduino needs to be connected to both the computer for serial communication and the 9V external power supply to be able to power three servo motors.
Remotion server requires Apache Server and NodeJS. We are working on to merge these two but for now. Apache server can be installed from Xampp, and NodeJs can be installed from Node.
Clone the repository by:
git clone [email protected]:brownhci/Remotion.git
npm install
Remotion visualizations work only in the local network. Make sure all the executing parts are running under the same network. Change the IP address to your computer (internal IP address) inside Visualizer.html, server.js, and PhoneMode.html. Change the COM port in server.js
There is a fixed order to begin Remotion visualizations.
- Plugin the Arduino to the computer terminal, make sure Arduino is powered by an external power source (i.e., 9v) and the stepper motor is powered by 12V.
- go to your Remotion_Visualization folder, run node server.js. If any error suggesting a particular IP address cannot be connected, fix it in the server.js
- go to visualizer.html, select "Participant Files."
- first click "Connect Server," then "Connect Hardware" (the status should all be green except Phone Peer)
- Find a smartphone, connecting to the same local network Remotion server is on, and navigate to /YOUR_LOCAL_IP/Remotion_visualization/PhoneMode.html
- Now click "PhoneClient" on visualization.html
- You can now click the spacebar on the keyboard or "Playback" to start playback.
For technical questions: please contact Jing Qian: [email protected] or Jeff Huang for details.