- bump stream-vbyte for performance annotating
- fix #43 where output vcf would have Number=, unless number was specified in config.json
Get Started
To get started, download the static linux binary here, then chmod +x and execute:
wget -O ~/bin/echtvar https://github.com/brentp/echtvar/releases/download/v0.2.1/echtvar \
&& chmod +x ~/bin/echtvar \
&& ~/bin/echtvar -h
Experienced rust users can build with cargo
Please let me know any (non SIGILL) issues with the binary. This is my first time distributing rust binaries.
Annotation files
you can create your own annotation files using echtvar encode
. We provide a pre-made file for hg38 whole genomes from gnomad v3.1.2. It can be retrieved with:
curl -L -o gnomad.v3.1.2.echtvar.v2.zip https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/nJPDxM3b9C7hkM2/download
The 7.1GB gnomad.v3.1.2.echtvar.v2.zip file is created using this example json
a smaller (2.5GB) file with only popmax AF is available with:
curl -L -o gnomad.v3.1.2.echtvar.popmax.v2.zip https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/LddbAYQAYPqtYu6/download
There is a user-supplied gnomad v4 for hg38 linked from here