- Release: 0.125.0 (b77af71)
- Build: Update build script to tag release commits (#141) (15c0034)
- Chore: Add prettier code formatter (#133) (c3cb7b6)
- Chore: Deleting old third-party packages (#127) (d45bb83)
- Chore: Settings.js - Declare class properties at class-level (#134) (2cacedd)
- Chore: Update license formatting (#135) (61b8bbd)
- Chore: Update prettier line width to 80 (#139) (e7fb14b)
- Chore: Update translations (#132) (f5fc6a5)
- Update: Adding more languages for subtitles (#130) (b55988c)
- Update: Improve subtitle selection algorithm (#129) (561cb73)
- Update: Show rate limit specific error message when a 429 occurs (#137) (67b589c)
- Update: Some UI changes for video player (#128) (81802c1)
- Update: Update Box3D with new material default (#136) (97fe7a1)
- Fix: fix excel setup when enabling the Office viewer via options (#126) (e8145f5), closes #126
- Fix: Seek time doesn't match filmstrip timecode (#131) (fb1fdd0)
- Docs: Update changelog (0a19275)
- Docs: Update Contributing.md (#125) (d717883)
- Docs: Update license to Box Software License Agreement (#124) (b8c6080)
- Docs: Update README to point to new CodePen demo (5e20db3)
- Mojito: Update translations (#123) (86c8475)