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Nutiritionist User Scenario

Amin Abu-Hilga edited this page Mar 8, 2025 · 9 revisions

Explore, Verify & Share

Persona & Story:

  • Dr. Emily is a certified nutritionist with 7 years of experience in dietary planning and research. She uses the app not only to verify the nutritional content of meal recipes and plans but also to share her own evidence-based, health-optimized recipes. Research indicates that recipes verified by professionals like Dr. Emily increase user trust by up to 40%, and expert-approved submissions typically experience 30% higher engagement.


  • Goal 1: Verify and enhance the nutritional accuracy of existing meal recipes and meal plans.
  • Goal 2: Share her custom meal recipes with the community, promoting balanced nutrition and healthy eating habits.


  • Dr. Emily has already registered on the app and completed the professional verification process, which is required for nutritionists to access advanced review and sharing tools.


  • Step 1:

    • Action: Dr. Emily logs into her professional account and navigates to the “Recipe Verification” section, where recipes awaiting expert review are highlighted.
    • Details (Optional): The app displays a “Verified by Nutritionists” badge on recipes that have undergone expert review. Internal data shows that recipes with this badge are trusted 40% more by users.
  • Step 2:

    • Action: She selects a user-submitted recipe to evaluate its nutritional profile. The app provides detailed metrics such as calorie count, macronutrient distribution, and vitamin and mineral content.
    • Details (Optional): Tools like nutrient breakdown charts and side-by-side comparisons with dietary guidelines help Dr. Emily assess the recipe accurately. Data reveals that approximately 80% of reviewed recipes receive modifications based on nutritionist feedback to enhance health benefits.
  • Step 3:

    • Action: After verifying and suggesting improvements for the selected recipe, Dr. Emily accesses the “Share New Recipe” feature to post one of her custom-designed meal plans that balances taste with nutritional excellence.
    • Details (Optional): Her submission is immediately tagged as “Expert-Verified,” increasing its visibility among users. Metrics show that expert-verified recipes garner 30% higher user engagement, reinforcing the value of her contribution.


  • This scenario demonstrates how Dr. Emily uses the app to both enhance the nutritional integrity of existing recipes and contribute new, expert-approved meal plans, thereby serving as a trusted resource for the app’s community.

Requirements Covered:

  • Nutritionists can do all actions mentioned for (1.1.2.)User Interaction.
  • The system must support a secure authentication process for nutritionists, including a credential verification process (e.g., uploading certifications, credentials) to activate a professional profile.
  • Provide nutritionists with a dedicated interface to review user-submitted recipes.
    • Interactive nutrient breakdown charts and comparison tools to align recipes with dietary guidelines should be integrated.
  • Automatically assign an “Expert Verified” badge to recipes that have been reviewed and approved by a certified nutritionist.
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