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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Something isn't working
This issue is cancelled
This issue is completed
Progress in other issues needed for this issue to continue
help needed
help needed
Extra help is needed
in progress
in progress
This issue is being worked on
meeting: agenda
meeting: agenda
This is about our next meeting's agenda
meeting needed
meeting needed
Group needs to hold a meeting for this issue to continue
This issue is created by mistake, will not be worked on furthermore
need review
need review
Work related to this issue is completed, needs a review to close it.
need rework
need rework
This issue may need rework after the review.
This is a new issue
priority: high
priority: high
Needs to be completed within the next 2-3 days
priority: low
priority: low
Needs to be completed within the next 2 weeks
priority: moderate
priority: moderate
Needs to be completed in a week
priority: urgent
priority: urgent
Needs to be completed as soon as possible
type: documentation
type: documentation
This issue is about documentation
type: improvement
type: improvement
This issue is about improvement
type: learning
type: learning
This issue is about learning
type: planning
type: planning
This issue is about planning
type: research
type: research
This issue is about research
type: wiki
type: wiki
This issue is about the wiki page
workload: high
workload: high
3+ hours per week
workload: low
workload: low
under 60 minutes
workload: moderate
workload: moderate
1-3 hours per week