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Scenario 3

Arda Yalçındağ edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 8 revisions


Name: Javier Morales

Javier Morales

Age: 42

Occupation: Accountant at a company and retro gaming enthusiast.

Background and Story: Javier is a 42-year-old office worker with a deep passion for retro video games. He has an extensive collection of games from the 80s and 90s and enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences with others. He is always on the lookout for rare titles to add to his collection and enjoys discussing the history and impact of these games with fellow enthusiasts. He recently learned about a website from a friend that allows users to review, create lists, and connect with other gamers. He is excited to use it to share his retro collection and connect with like-minded gamers.


  • Javier wants to sign up on the website to share his reviews of retro games and connect with other retro gaming enthusiasts.

  • He wants to create a list of "All-Time Favorite Retro Games" to showcase his personal top picks and share memories associated with each game.

  • He aims to engage with the community by participating in discussions about retro gaming and discovering new games to play.


  • Javier is familiar with blogging and social media, but he is new to this website. His friend mentioned some features, but he's not completely familiar with all the details.


  1. Javier navigates to the website and clicks the Sign Up button. He fills out the registration form with his username, email, and password.

  2. After verifying his email, Javier is taken to his profile page, where he enters his favorite genre as retro games.

  3. Javier goes to the Create List section and starts a new list titled "All-Time Favorite Retro Games". He adds games like "Super Mario", "Sonic the Hedgehog", and "Street Fighter II" providing detailed reviews and sharing memories associated with each game.

  4. He uses the search bar to find his friend, who recommended the website. He finds his friend's profile, and adds him friend.

  5. While exploring the website, Javier comes across a list of "Underrated Retro Games" curated by another user. Intrigued, he checks out the list and finds a few titles he hasn't played before. He adds these new discoveries to his "Playlist".

  6. Before logging out, Javier checks his notifications and sees that several users added his profile as a friend.

  7. Satisfied with his experience on the website, Javier logs out, planning to return regularly to update his list, write more reviews, and engage with fellow retro game lovers.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Guests shall be able to register to the application by providing their email, username, and password.

  • Logged in users shall be able to select up to a certain number of favorites from each class of game properties (genre, platform, developer, etc.).

  • Logged in users shall be able to create custom lists.

  • Logged in users shall be able to add a game to one of their custom lists.

  • Logged in users shall be able to review a game.

  • System shall provide semantic search for usernames, lists and games.

  • Users shall be able to view popular lists made by logged in users and view the number of items in each list.

  • System should send a notification when a user receives a follow.



  • Related scenario items: 1.


Editing Profile Screen

  • Related scenario items: 2.


Creating and Editing a List

  • Related scenario items: 3.


Lists Page

  • Related scenario items: 5.


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