Du to the impossibility to modify the environment variables via Java. We need to use the properties file.
This module help you to manage your properties in your project.
Add the dependency in your pom.xml:
You should have Maven installed. If not you can have the instructions to install it here: https://maven.apache.org/install.html
In case you don't use the JAVA_PROPS environment variables, the DotProperties will try to load properties file in the following order:
.properties # in the file system
.properties # in the resource directory
DotProperties dotProperties = new DotProperties();
When a file is found, the properties are load and the others files are ignored.
Before everything you should configure the JAVA_PROPS environment variables.
In the following case the DotProperties will try to load properties file in the following order:
.${JAVA_PROPS}.properties # in the file system
.properties.${JAVA_PROPS} # in the file directory
.${JAVA_PROPS}.properties # in the resource directory
.properties.${JAVA_PROPS} # in the resource directory
DotPropertiesConfig config = new DotPropertiesConfig();
DotProperties dotProperties = new DotProperties(config);
You can use the annotation @PropertiesElement to build your DotProperties.
enum MyTestEnum { VALUE_ONE, VALUE_TWO };
@Property(name = "propertyOne", required = true)
private String propertyOne = "default";
@Property(name = "propertyTwo", required = true)
private String propertyTwo = "default";
@Property(name = "propertyInteger", required = true)
private int propertyInteger = 0;
@Property(name = "propertyEnumBean", required = true)
private MyTestEnum propertyEnum = MyTestEnum.VALUE_ONE;
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoJavaEnvFoundException, PropertiesAreMissingException, IOException{
DotProperties dotProperties = new DotProperties();
Supported types:
- Long
- Integer
- Short
- Byte
- Double
- Float
- Boolean
- Character
- Date
- Duration
- Instant
- String
- File
- Pattern
- ZonedDateTime
- TimeZone
- Enum
- ZoneId
If you need more options not developed in this module you can open a issue. Don't forget to leave a star on the repository.