About BoaConsulta.com
BoaConsulta is a appointment booking service online for patient find doctors. Any stats about BoaConsulta:
- 33 thousands specialists
- 750 thousands patients
- 1 million monthly searches
- 1 and a half million schedules per year
This test is for we know your skills, logic, quality of code.
First, make a fork and clone the project in your computer and create a new branch with your-name.
After setup project you will need this instructions for make your application:
- Register / Login / Reset password
- Update user profile
- Upload imagens with resize thumbs (you can use any library for it)
- create a feed with images from users
- Follow users
- Like in Photo
- Submit a pull request and send mail to [email protected]
- Python, Ruby or PHP
- You can use any webframework, but not is requisit.
- PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, etc
- Git
- Tests (Unit, Acceptance)