This project provides an Ecto-like DSL for working with DynamoDB in Elixir. It allows you to define schemas, encode and decode structs, and perform various operations on DynamoDB items with ease.
It is not yet available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding dynamo github repo to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
{:dynamo, github: "bmalum/dynamo"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc.
DynamoDB is a schema-free database, which provides flexibility but can lead to inconsistencies and errors if not managed properly. By using Dynamo, you can enforce a strong contract between your code and the database, ensuring that data is stored and retrieved in a consistent and predictable manner. This helps prevent common issues such as missing fields, incorrect data types, and invalid keys.
defmodule Dynamo.User do
use Dynamo.Schema, key_seperator: "_"
item do
field(:tenant, default: "open_source_user")
field(:email, sort_key: true, default: "[email protected]")
partition_key [:uuid4]
table_name "test_table"
iex> %Dynamo.User{} |> Dynamo.Encoder.encode_root
"email" => %{"S" => "001"},
"first_name" => %{"NULL" => true},
"tenant" => %{"S" => "yolo"},
"uuid4" => %{"S" => "Nomnomnom"}
iex> Dynamo.Decoder.decode(x)
"email" => "001",
"first_name" => nil,
"tenant" => "yolo",
"uuid4" => "Nomnomnom"
iex> Dynamo.Decoder.decode(x, as: Dynamo.User)
%Dynamo.User{email: "001", first_name: nil, tenant: "yolo", uuid4: "Nomnomnom"}
# Put an item
# Get item
user = Dynamo.User.get_item(
uuid4: "no-uuid",
email: "[email protected]"
# List items
users = Dynamo.User.list_items(
uuid4: "no-uuid",
email: "hello"
[sort_key: "hello", sk_operator: :begins_with, scan_index_forward: false]
You can override the before_write
function to add custom logic before writing items to DynamoDB. For example, you might want to add a timestamp or perform some validation:
defmodule Dynamo.Sensor do
use Dynamo.Schema
schema "users" do
partition_key :id
sort_key :timestamp
field :id
field :name
field :value
field :timestamp
def before_write(arg) do
|> Map.put(item, :value, 0)
|> Dynamo.Schema.generate_and_add_partition_key()
|> Dynamo.Schema.generate_and_add_sort_key()
- DSL for defining DynamoDB items similar to Ecto schemas
- Partition key and sort key generation
- Encoding structs into DynamoDB schema
- Decoding DynamoDB marshalled items into structs
- General DynamoDB query builder
- Basic operations:
- Configurable composite key separator
- Configurable suffix for partition keys
- Configurable prefix for sort keys (if using single key)
- Overridable
function for custom logic before writing items
- DSL for DDB Items like Ecto
- Partition Key Generation
- Sort Key Generation
- Encode Structs into DDB Schema
- Decode DDB marshalled items into Struct
- general DDB query builder
- put_item
- list_items
- query
- Condig seperator for composit keys
- Config for suffix on partition_key
- Config for prefix on sort_key (if single key)
- Config key names (default, :pk, :sk)
- batch_write item
- parallel scan