This repo contains the AI I submitted for CodinGame's 'CodeBusters' contest.
Bots made by players around the world are pitched against each other in turn-based arena-style matches in this week-long contest and ultimately ranked on performance.
(more info here).
Although my bot did not meet my expectations, I learnt a lot from the experience and very much enjoyed the unique challenge this contest offered me.
My previous experiences with competitive AI challenges restricted movement to a given graph, whereas in this contest, movement in any direction within the bounds of the arena was permitted.
The inclusion of other game mechanics which I hadn't seen before, particularly the fog of war (limited view range and stunning range), and the ability to stun enemies and make them drop ghosts, added a layer of complexity which I really liked.
I finished in the Gold League (2nd highest league) with a rank of 681/1984 overall (though I was within the top 300 at my highest point).
Following the conclusion of the contest, CodeBusters later returned as a multiplayer game in the AI section of their website. I may decide to reuse my bot and continue working on it for that at some point, though I will probably do so in a private repo.