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Blahlicus edited this page May 18, 2016 · 2 revisions

File containing code for mod integration, methods within this file are used to expand the functionalities of Animus via the use of Animus modules, Animus at its core should be lightweight and concise, therefore, any extra functionalities should be made into modules instead of being directly added to the core Animus codebase.

This file contains the following precompiler directives that are used by Animus Builder, whilst it is possible to manually edit the precompiler directives, it is best to create a proper Animus Builder profile to build keyboard releases since it is easy to get method names wrong.

Name Description Example
builder_mstartup The mod functions that should run on startup If I2C and media are installed, then it would be #define builder_mstartup I2CStartup(); mediaStartup();
builder_mloop The mod functions that should run in the loop method If I2C and media are installed, then it would be #define builder_mloop I2CLoop(); mediaLoop();
builder_mkeydown The mod functions that should run when a key is pressed If I2C and media are installed, then it would be #define builder_mkeydown I2CKeyDown(val, type); mediaKeyDown(val, type);
builder_mkeyup The mod functions that should run when a key is released If I2C and media are installed, then it would be #define builder_mkeyup I2CKeyUp(val, type); mediaKeyUp(val, type);
builder_mserial The mod functions that should run when a serial command is sent from the host computer If I2C and media are installed, then it would be #define builder_mserial I2CSerial(input); mediaSerial(input);

3.51: void ModStartup()

This runs during the startup of the keyboard, this method is used as an intermediary between all the mods and core Animus methods.

3.52: void ModLoop()

This loops repeatedly as long as the keyboard is powered on, this method is used as an intermediary between all the mods and core Animus methods.

3.53: void ModKeyDown(char val, byte type)

This runs when a physical key on the keyboard is pressed, this method is used as an intermediary between all the mods and core Animus methods.

3.54: void ModKeyUp(char val, byte type)

This runs when a physical key on the keyboard is released, this method is used as an intermediary between all the mods and core Animus methods.

3.55: void ModSerial(String input)

This runs when a serial command is sent from the host computer, this method is used as an intermediary between all the mods and core Animus methods.